Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Train Grope Movie Iphone

Pd in Romaaaa Day! XDDDD

What to say .... beautiful, beautiful.
I would be ready to do it again tomorrow and after tomorrow, despite the hard work (even if it is us the good things xD)

Mariachi and came home at 23 and attended to all my sclera, including lava a tennis shoe and repeatedly lose the money I had to bring back xD
At 24 we arrived at Villa and then deserted O____o luckily found that Vere and Vale should I bring to my house to use my bathroom and I have a brilliant idea of a cushion to take the trip ... x one of my best ideas in recent years, really.

After that we meet everyone, we finally get Mariaca on the bus and me and we take one of the last places behind, right in front of us there are V & V. The evening party to the rhythm of the songs that there are rules, more red: P ranging from Bella hello and the wind whistles until El pueblo unido Jamas serà be defeated. Obviously our Clarita gets hold of the microphone and starts shooting the crap first of the evening as "A big round of applause at Emmanuel who is always with us!" Joke that only we could understand why the third and the Emmanuel quoted here is our beloved Kant.
After some struggles for the post gives me Mariaca one near the window and I can finally go to sleep *____* I know that I can fall asleep anytime, anywhere as long as may support the head on one side and the glass of the bus and my pillow was confortabilissimi: P I just woke up to the 3:20 during the first stop where Federico has released a dozen of Mr. Day, Xfetto chocolate before going to sleep at the end xD just 5 minutes before leaving I decided to go to the bathroom and return to Laura and me hannocostretto to Faith go to 4 feet under their legs to go, idiots x3 Vere has not sold and if I post the photos documenting his bitter struggle against the legs of the girls LoL
nannaaaaa Then again everyone!

The sweet morning sun wakes me up at 8:00 and we have a view of Rome!
just that we'll only until 10:30 because of quell'inconpetente driver will be lost on the ring road-___-I
conescere him an opportunity to all the sheep of the Roman countryside, shepherds, dogs, hawks, crows , hens, herons and other wildlife that populated the landscapes that look.
finally reaching the lake Eur throws us in the subway after hard fought with the machines to issue tickets daily.
It then arrives at Piazza of the Partisans and the gazebo where the PD I try to be adhesive, a cap on his head and the flag as a kind bandana around the shoulder ... very stylish;
D Street to around the city! Valeria was the first time as a rite then started our tour of the Colosseum, then along the Via dei Fori Imperiali, then the Victorian, Trevi Fountain, English Steps and the gardens of Villa Borghese.
A mega trek!

The beauty was to meet all the other people like us armed with flags and hats ... it seemed an invasion!
The best was when a couple of gentlemen on the 60In saw us a little lost trying to reach Piazza di Spagna was immediately approached and wonders in 100 recommendations and we soon discovered why: greet us and told us that they hoped to see the parade, and we have also called companions LoL too polite and nice: D

At 14 started the event, but I and V & V we arrived half an hour delay due to the desperate for a bath x underground. There was indeed a moment of panic because we could not find our group in that huge crowd O____O
Fortunately doing some slalom between the people we have reunited, and let the slogan!
From " against the system of masters, 10, 100, 1000 events " to " Tremonti Tremonti, pulls out the math! "and then inevitably Gelmini:" Gelmini as Moratti, run, run, go wash the dishes . "
But the best was when we sang XD: " Berlusconi .... Come dance in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia, where you expect the Executioner, Executioner, Executioner ... Keep the head up when you come to understand that a crane because it can come off and fall down .... ARMENU! (= Trad: at least) xD

In absolute quiet we have come to Circo Massimo ... a riot of flags of the PD. Watch the tide of people and flags in perpetual motion was beautiful, almost hypnotic______missing to do so on purpose, I swear, we got them under the banner vs Gelmini ì, near one of the big screens. We cling to the ground
flags and sheets of newspaper and then we camped out, leaning on each other. I'm waiting for the speeches what I could do but read Wuthering Heights? : P

useless comments about the wonderful work that we were, like the anti-Mafia mayor of Gela, or words of Veltroni .... you hear them, but in any case was not like being there, in the midst of that crowd is something I can not explain ... Even
Clare, nosta small fascist LoL was very impressed .... want to see what becomes of us left? BD

The output from the Circus Maximus was a little difficilotta view of the slope, making the climb in a real climbing Erbach attached to the steep slope. Once at the top is returned to the square of the Partisans, while that mad Scopello us entertained with his megaphone to crap like this:

"Sorry, you lost a child" (here he turns the whole crowd around us) "His name is Tonio cardboard, and one meter high and a pine cone, the fat years," we boys and all accompgnatori adults down to roll with laughter.
Again: "We lost the son of the invisible woman: who sight please notify" .... and many other various cazzatte we have animated to subway and beyond.

Needless to mention the mega crowded bus stop where we waited Piramide metro O___O all the people of the procession had been poured there and to safety at some point they closed and locked the escalators.
After we split we finally arrived at the station stops Eur, and Vere, and Vale, who left after me told me about an episode, which I know how to define nn if not pure idiocy that occurred the meter while waiting for their turn: 15 years on
A girl stands up and the crowd of protesters and began shouting that they are all idiots, stupid communists and stuff, then a man gets up and goes to tell her to calm down and in response she spits in his face ° __ ° He reciprocates and she lashes out at him trying to Slapping and scratching and then he slapped a spring: the people around began to sing a collective " stupid, stupid "and she grabs a hysterical in the middle of the flagpoles and tries to throw the other side of the tracks. At the end involved the police attempt to stop her, she is still in full strength international crisis and he gets a slap them too. And here the moment of glory AnnaGloria: grabbed the megaphone shouting "It 's because of you that have the balls to the government!"
Graaaaaandeeee AGD!

So finally, in an end piogerella back all tired dead to our bus nenanche the time to read two pages of Wuthering Heights and leave from Rome I reverse it and go back to the place near the window ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 and I'm sleeping.
I woke up at other times, because I could not find a comfortable position s No longer able to stretch a little the seat but in the end, half stoned I came to Mesa to 03:46 and get off the bus I got home all alone and finally had a shower in bed *_____*

today I hope to post some pictures if you send them to me ^ ^ Verenuccia


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