Friday, October 24, 2008

Sore On Lip Four Year Old

And then ... the saga continues.

And so yesterday it came to employment. And we obviously continue to
groped to keep us out of this situation.

I must say that the choice was waaay Democratic and headed were actually worse than demagogues. The blob
stupid that my school is nothing more was revealed when he asked what they wanted to do after quest'autogestione: the proposal to return to class were launched boos and groans while the idea of how to fill all lemmings clapping and cheering up ... then the representatives of the school have made a smart move MOOLTO.
They proposed a third option, which has been termed "smart jobs": it was done the first 3 hours and keep then occupied the school until 6 pm, not at night. They then asked the
III high school students were older than we, to express our opinion. Our class has ruled out a priori the occupation itself: we ste stupid to lose only lessons eyes are not willing to do it, we adopted our own line. Romania, the dilemma between employment and intelligent classes directly: we had initially decided to say that as a class, once called, to do some simple jobs for intelligent reasons: even if we proprosto the lessons we should have been the only ones, so it's better than intelligent proprorre not to risk a job itself. But still no sign of 18years would be not to take the responsibility of those idiots IV and V of the gymnasium, the children of poor, or because they actually wanted nn jobs.
But once inside it is terribly funny thing happened: we found that the 3rd option, the clever employment, it was only a means to attract consensus and then divert the employment itself, which is understood by the words uttered by a boy: "Well if you have to sign the employment is so clever sign for the real, so you take the complaint is the same." Here
reveals all their vileness: first go to deny the value that the occupation could be intelligent, or that respects our right and duty to study, and the afternoon is really intended to work important and protest being all concentrated in those hours. But when they knew that no one signed, well no longer even listen to us we have classified those who wanted the classes: well to be clear to most of us went just fine, but it is not the way qusto do, relegated to a corner because we have nn their own program.
also be stressed as they tried to persuade to sign stating that the complaint had no meaning, he would be cleared with the completion of employment and bla bla bla while Angelo has told us this morning that this is not true, and guarantees suo padre, un giudice.
Alla fine, grazie alle forme di quei cretini della III A , perchè sono sempre stati tali dal IV ginnasio, insieme a quelli della III D hanno votato per la disoccupazione: e sapete una cosa? Anche Daniele ed Agnese della nostra classe hanno firmato, tra i maggiorenni. Quei coglioni sono stati tutto il tempo in giro per il cortile mentre discutevamo, non hanno sentito un 'H di quello che dicevamo, e presi dall'entusiasmo si sono fatti coinvolgere, pentendosene dopo.... ma peggio per loro!
Noi indipendentemente da tutti abbiamo fatto oggi le prime 3 ore di lezione, mentre da lunedì, se questa buffonata regge ancora riprendiamo con l'orario pieno, mentre già domani molto could probably do already adirrittura 4 or all 5 hours ....

soon next update XD Nosrati telenovelas


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