Friday, October 31, 2008

Answers To Diffusion Osmosis Lab

Halloween Cullen XD ---> Comics

Here's my little thought for Halloween for all those who love Twilight : P

Just below the translation of the few dialogues even if they are really well-understood;)

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I had to put it in this barbaric way because unfortunately the picture is very big and shrink it meant to lose many details and probably not even understand what was written.
To view just click on !

DIAL TRANSLATION: Children dressed

: Trick or Treat?

Rosalie: Hey Edward! I'm here to see you some werewolves!

Edward: Hisssss! (Snarl) XD

Children dressed: aaaaaaah! (Flee xD)

Alice: Edward!
Wait! Kids! Go back, I've got candy!

I love this comic XD Edward is a little altered against the wolves, do not you? ahahahaha x3 Straordianria as usual, Alice and Rosalie also makes its beautiful part ... a preanuncio of his love for lupastri in BD? ;)


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