Friday, October 24, 2008

Patch Native Expansion

-1 and 50 minutes prior to departure for Rome was the occupation

22 Hours: 10

I am here at the computer in my pajamas and my hair still slightly damp after a shower .... does not look like a girl that in less than two hours will be on the bus to go to Rome xD

In fact I have a lot of things to do: definitely dress up, make a plate to Capel, empty backpack and books put in food, food, food, blanket, book, Wuthering Heights and a truss with the survival kit is made up of toothbrush and toothpaste, black pencil and eye tissues.

But I'm so tired after the pinch of today o___O
But I really have to hurry because the minute is Maria Francesca and me in this state if he gets a heart attack XD

Wish me good luck, hoping that decides Berlusca to send us too that the police took us to mananghellate!

Romaaaaa arrivoooooooo ....


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