Monday, October 20, 2008

Synyster Gates Spiky Hair


self-management will be done.
But my class no.

It 's a matter a little complicated: they proposed that the self is really so mercilessly, but especially those who lead. Just think that the person driving is the Monaco, the same who said that she did not give a fuck no reform because so she will ad'una private university è__é
Most of the class was d 'agreement that all this was staging a useless, worthless, if we want to voice our protests are most important and effective means.
We set out to do morning lessons and organize meetings for the afternoon to deal with teachers and representatives of Trade Unions (very doable) so you can organize even of the demonstrations, torchlight processions.
Maybe we were too willing to make self-management if the program had been better and we had heard.

But the program was untouchable and refused to speak, to snatch the microphone from hand to M. Frank as he spoke to expose our opinion .... sucks. Especially with that asshole Andrea Pizzolante was going to say around to talk to those who refused to join him that he thought him to change his mind ... I was going to take a bite-__-
tell me what the results will be to make assemblies of self-managed by the individual class representatives x talk of reform, probably in smaller classes where none of this is done, listen to a debate that nn ascltato will be very few and then make another plenary session to "take stock". Why, of course, before you protest, then you understand why the last day.
I think that has made some of my more enraged class was when they said that the self was to advise on reform ... thing you could well do without un'autogestione .______.

In my class, when we had to decide whether to join or not, I voted yes, but only because I believe that this isolate is not good, just staying in self we could try to assert our opinion, to others think .... but were no more, and then the result was: 22 out of 23 participating self-management classes, the one who does not is ours.

The worst part was being called balls and Deficiency those in my class who wanted to dum the task of physics and mathematics. I admit myself that this has also affected my vote but they certainly do not go around saying crap such as those of George and Daniel who do not want to strike and why do not they want to be among the Communists >____\u0026lt; because some self-management is not a form of strike ... I wanted to kill them! What do you care if the person next to you is right or left when this order should be to hit all equally? Boh .... for me and then some differences should not be considered to be such ...
now the location of the class was taken and I will do the job, and I can not really blame those who wanted to do the normal time because I have their own ideas.
Only at the end I was right on the island: bus stop girls from other classes have accused us of not give a damn about the rest of the school, national mobilization and of being closed like a clam and just to defend has been difficult since cmq that I was not closing, but it is gone.

Tonight Amelia M. Among AGD and probably will meet to write an article or a letter is sent to the newspaper cmq because we want to continue on our way.
Regarding the task of physics I will sign the Corcho, I do not know anything and just learn today through copies of the book which unfortunately I have not ... but it goes on ...


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