Sunday, October 19, 2008

Smelting Silverplate 2010

looking for something to do

I do not know what to do.
Or rather, I should study physics, but unfortunately do not have or want ... My head feels heavy and tired eyes this morning because Joan has made a phone call to mom at 7:10 in the morning, waking me.
The only day when I do an hour or two of sleep, I find myself waking up just half an hour after my usual, mostly after I had gone to bed late.

To pass the time, I finally updated my collection of drabble HP, publishing on a Remus Lupin.
Who cares to look at my productions go here.
I write stories about HP is that original .... I plan to create a collection of flash-fic drabble also mythological characters (the one on Meleager is ready) but I want to have more material before you start.
The Twilight series offers great ideas, but the inspiration has not yet arrived ... who knows!

Updating a bit about things that happened in these last days.
First, the engagement with Oscar ^_____^ Sara Saturday Sara remained at home after the lecture by Professor mate to hang out with Oscar and eventually stayed here at home mine. It was the first time we did and it was great. By Sara
I am very well, is a dear friend. The day would have been perfect if what or st **** Armando had not called to insult her and make her cry, but I finally consoled, so I was sorry that I started crying too and I to her.
Oscar was surprisingly fun Saturday night and the next morning brought a croissant for breakfast to me and Sara. Good boy! x3
Tuesday instead I ate Verena , because of shortness of potato gateaux which is my mother. I have had further confirmation of the gap between us is was so different from other times she ate with me .... Wednesday, 15
instead meeting with Mr. Magdi Allam.
Many of his ideas can not be argued, in fact they are very well prepared to embrace them, because I admire him as a journalist, but I find indigestible his "Catholic fundamentalism".
I can not say much because I could hear very little of what he said, because unfortunately sitting in 4th last row and surrounded by people Ciarlante ... at some point I gave up was me.

This Saturday instead I became a second hour to school because the 7:00 I fell asleep on the last 5 rows of the board that Smith and Ricardo repeating history, and I woke up after half an hour, or when passing the last stop on my bus. A large
nervous, because I had little time to study, in fact I could not repeat, I arrived in class that my place was occupied by Agnes and I had to sit at the empty seat of Frederick, which led to call in its history the Star, because he called Milena front of me and then went to the person behind her, or me. And since it was
incacchiata MariaChiara black because he knew nothing about, like Matthew, who defined the territories of the papacy as state property (the Star told him not to tell around that it was his student) did not take well the uncertainties that I had: I said everything exactly except that I was wrong to pronounce the name of the Zollverein and the territories of Schleswig -Holstein, and his eyes made me angry to talk to inpaccio ... grrr grrr grrr that anger anger anger, the story is one of the subjects that I care more than ever.

megaincazzatura Another is the voice of my school had the bright idea of losing my documents and Milena for requesting the scholarship and the bonus books and then when our parents went to the municipality to withdraw ... were not there. And the delivery of the documents expired this summer.
The lady told us that we were to forget to deliver it, but it is absolutely true. I remember like yesterday when I took the modules to the ISEF office, and just happened to be my lost documents Milena abbbiamo brought together in that office.
can not we forget it is the first thing we do me and mom at the beginning of each school year ... I do not know I'd give to send the secretary to that country .... rabbiaaaaaaa rage rage!

Okay here I close this post, I'll see if I like writing more.


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