Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why Do My Brownies Turn Crumbly?

Hurrah and Soob

Remember the previous post and the help that you offered me? Well, damn, forget everything: problem solved, you can send up to two stories! I wrote to those of the competition and a type-friendly and there are certainly extraordinarily bono, he reassured. Well, now I have two different occasions to suck XD
I'll know how it goes ^ ^

The rest are very tired: I have his back broken (stupid cycle) and I have shed rivers of tears on a tf! O_O
A My friend convinced me to see a series about the gymnasts from the first episode was drowned nell'angst, but I never reached the last straight. That is, we speak of writers more treacherous than those of spn or at least if the people who play on par with them, I will take up ever! I even ruined my face: hiccups when they break the capillaries of the face and now it seems to have measles or some strange freckles on his nose and under the eyes ... Do you see why I am not allowed to be good?!
XD Bah, I decided that I killed someone decides to vent in a ff ... Find
is a coward vent their suffering on innocent people and the poor unsuspecting readers? : P

I have also given up his nose XD


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