Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Where Can I Buy A Gold Skirt?


Author: [info] arial86
Title: Undisclosed Desires
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Michael Dean.
Summary: Michael and Dean meet again in a dream. Will the Archangel to wrest his consent?
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Dean and Sam do not belong to me, but if Kripke Dean gave me would make me very happy.

“Perfect, like a marble statue. Cold. No choice, only obedience.”
(Anna Milton, Heaven and Hell)

“No one knows what it’s like
to feel these feelings
like I do, and I blame you!
No one bites back as hard
on their anger,
none of my pain and woe
can show through.”
(Behind Blue Eyes, Limp Bizkit)

Il sole risplende, brillante e caldo. Si immerge nelle limpide acque del fiumiciattolo, frantumandosi in un arcobaleno di riflessi. Tutto intorno lo stormire del vento fra le fronde, il canto sottile degli uccelli, il placido frinire degli insetti. È a paradise, its.
And there he was, at the foot of a tree, lulled by the quiet of the countryside and the sweetness of the afternoon.
"Is that what you want, Dean?" I ask, pointing.
He looked at me in surprise: "Jo?"
shake my head: "You know who I am."
they stand, his eyes suddenly hard: "I would say that the nap ends here. What the hell do you want? "
A smile hands me his lips:" You know that too. "
" And you should know my answer "replies. "I figured I was kind of blondes, anyway, "he added, scornfully.
"You mean this ... put ?" Wonder, bringing the arms to the sides and leaning more toward him.
He steps back in disgust, "Do not touch me. You can take any shape you want, I will continue to say no. "
jet head back and began to laugh:" Do you want to corrupt you with that, Dean? Really?
walk a few steps forward, trapping him against the old trunk. The flowing around her shoulders and I rise on tiptoe, "I just wanted to show the face of another person died because of your obstinacy, "I whisper against his ear.
"Go to Hell" hisses angrily, pushing away.
"There have been a couple of times."
"Yes? For the day of visits to the little brother? "
" There are five days in Detroit, Dean. Sam will sell, "he says calmly.
Bleach, but still manages to pull off a defiant grin: "You're lying."
"Why should I?"
"Aside from the obvious?" esclama, esasperato.
“Dovrei sentirmi offeso” incomincio, gelido “ho avuto nelle mie mani la vita di tuo fratello e non l’ho usata per farti pressioni, eri alla mia mercé e non ho levato un dito contro di te. Potrei farti rimpiangere le torture di Alastair, eppure lascio che l’accettarmi rimanga una tua scelta. Non significa nulla per te?”
“Sì, che sei più intelligente di tutti gli altri. Ti illudi però se pensi di convincermi con quella maschera di integrità e quattro discorsetti sul destino: so cosa sei, e non permetterò a te e ai tuoi di manipolarmi yet. "
" And what you do, Dean? "I ask, genuinely curious. "Fighting Lucifer? Drag her ass back to Hell? "
remains silent.
"The battles are not won only with courage," I insist. "You know the story of Hector and Achilles?"
He thinks for a moment: "I saw the film ..."
"And Achilles dragged Hector in the dust. The body of the Trojan hero was torn by dogs and torn by vultures, his city burned to the ground, destroyed his family: men can not win the gods, Dean ... "
laughs and interrupts me, puzzled:" You might find funny? "
" Honestly? Yes Has anyone ever told the end of the story, Mikey? Hector died, but Achilles followed him soon after. It was enough to kill a single arrow, shot by Orlando Bloom to come ... "
" Yeah, too bad that this is not a movie, "I say, condescending.
He smiles again: "Do not commit your mistake, Michael. Not turn our backs on Sam and together we will succeed. After all, Paris is to shoot the winning shot. The gods can be defeated, and you'll find out soon. "
I let you wake up, now running out of arguments.
I watch his dream fade away, the sun goes dark, the water crystallizes, until this little universe does not collapse on itself. A scene that probably will never be reused.
Rest in this space now empty and for some reason upset. It was not hitting his safety. I can recognize the pride and that Dean is not a mere facade: he tried to convince me as much as himself. The problem is
another: the guy he trusts his brother again. He went over his betrayal, not sure riaccadrà. How is it possible? Where does such a certainty?
I had always been convinced that Dean and Sam were our human counterparts, exact mirrors of our condition. Not so, I was wrong. The truth is that I can not forgive Helel, I can not. Its abandonment has left me with a void so great that even light of our father was able to fill. I did know the pain and anger, desire and regret. I will not be dropped, but they are as dirty him. Maybe more.
I delete my brother, hoping to cleanse my spirit. I would like to destroy him to rip him off with all the emotions that I may try.
This makes me a monster? Probably yes, but no matter. Soon it will be over: Ettore help to win and return the statue was a wonderful time.


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