Wednesday, March 10, 2010

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[# 1] Everything's alright When you look me in the eyes

Title: Everything's alright When you look me in the eyes
Cliché: # 1. Damsel in distress
Beta: [info] eowie
♥ Fandom: RPS Jonas Brothers
Pairing: Nick / Joe (mentioned), random appearances by Kevin, Frankie, mother & father Jonas.
Rating: PG-13
Alerts: nuances incest (= canon simply because incest), hurt / comfort (for definition, see the prompt) and so much honey! Fluff (this is a normal consequence of their songs.)
Word Count: 2137 (W)
Summary: In the meantime, you realize you have finished the third round of the area. Has no intention of starting fourth, press on the brake knobs and remains a few seconds looking around, uncertain what to do.
Disclaimer: The Jonas Brothers are the property of their same and is not intended to imply anything about them and their lives with this paper. The title comes from When you look me in the eyes of Jonas Brothers. Reputation sacrificed and my hand, and as such has no right to complain.
Notes: on the other hand, [info] eowie will for self-poisoning death of Reputation on the above-mentioned consciousness, but I think that it will accept this with relative lightness. [The inscription on the plaque, can only be: Delusional IN MEMORY OF CHAT IN THE COMPANY OF ALE, Vanya and Linda. Amen.] Even as this fic was born to her and only her, lovvoti, Socia Toothless of Perdition! ♥

Everything's alright When you look me in the eyes


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