Friday, March 5, 2010

Retaining Wall Estimate

Fan fiction and Profile

I just want to renew my profile in the coming days I will ask advice ... msn: here you become very laconic
XD Well, what can we say? I wrote a new immortal masterpiece, if you prospettino has seduced, the story is below cut ^ ^

Author: [info] arial86
Title: Far Away
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, etc etc XD
Abstract: The war is won, the Apocalypse foiled, but at what price?
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Dean and Sam do not belong to me, but if Kripke Dean gave me would make me very happy.
Notes: Written for [info] axia_85 , one of the few beings living that would welcome such a turn. I hope you like it, beautiful \u0026lt;3
The title is a homage to my Bride, [info] lucy_gu , I love you \u0026lt;3

I see nothing in your eyes, and the more I see the less I like.
Is it over yet? I can not win.
So sacrifice yourself, and let me haves what's left.
I know That I can find the fire in your eyes
I'm going all the way, get away, please.
You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole Where My Heart Should Be. You got to fight
just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.
I'm waiting, I'm praying, Realize, start hating.
(Breathe, Breaking Benjamin)

The room is dark and silent. From the window ajar
enter the evening air. A subtle breeze animates the curtain, a strip of cloth you touched my face. Not turn away, do not disturb. Nothing can do more.
I go with a light step, almost furtive, but the times in which my sudden appearance surprised you're done: I do not possess such power over you and ...
"Hello Dean Announcement finally, sitting next to you.
Your eyes are far, far away. I would like to delude myself that were lost in the magnificence of browns and reds of autumn, but neither would happen first: the court uniforms of the nurses would undoubtedly catalyzed all your attention, leaving little room for rest.
smile, your way you have always been good at finding beauty in small things, they were pretty girls, willing or disgusting menu for a diner. It is in one of those that took our last conversation.
"Do you remember?" I ask rhetorically, touching fingers. Are immobile, frozen. I shake in my trying to communicate some of their heat, with the look with anger, silently cursing the immaculate whiteness of your skin. These are not, can not be in your hands! Where are the fat in your car and the oil of your guns? Land of the cemeteries and the sulfur of the demons? The blood of the creatures hunted and killed, ketchup and sauces that last cheeseburger? The
had devoured greedily, savoring the last bite, and then immediately order the other two.
"It's your last supper, honey?" He said a waitress half age, taking note of your requirements.
"Well, darling, you can never say," I said, smiling. "After all, I believe that indigestion is the least of my problems at the moment," he added, once left alone.
"Yeah," I commented dryly.
"Wow, you're making my stag night great fun, Cas.
" Stag Party? This would make your wife Michael, Dean? I wonder what side of me ... "
" Hey, let's make something perverse. And forget sarcasm, does not suit you. You obviously are the best man "had concluded with a grin, holding up your beer at me. "You're the only one I can ask" you added a mo 'apology. A cold fury
I had invaded those words you could not ask for help from Sam, but that idiot had to support your angel and planned to commit suicide ... So what if I had betrayed my brothers just to save?
"I do not know what you're asking, Dean Michael is absolutely terrible. Nothing will remain of you, "I began, reasonable.
"And if I do not, nothing will remain the world! "retorted decided.
"God will not stand by while ..."
"Why has he done?" I asked with no hint of hostility. Resigned.
This more than anything convinced me to keep quiet: you had made your decision.
You were lifted, pouring it on the table the entire contents of your wallet. Nothing fancy, but almost certainly the most lavish ever left a tip here.
"Dean ..." I murmured, impressed. Did
shrugged, minimizing the gesture: "It will take some more of her. I do not think Michael will have time to maybe go shopping and then I decided to agree with him before: no tunic. "
The smile you had just left the parking lot.
"You want to do here?" I asked, looking around.
"A place or the other." A pause, then: "Castiel, employed him."
Yeah, Sam.
"I promise" I assured.
I brought a hand to his pocket, giving your amulet. Shook his head: "No, continue your search, Cas. And when you find God, digliene four from me ... "
" You know, that day I stopped looking for him, "I say, putting an end to my story. "My faith was less strong than I thought."


The sun filters through a rustling green roof, on your skin, creating intricate patterns of light and shadow. Its rays touch your amulet, now back in place. Do not deserve to wear it, I have failed.
"Sorry" he murmured, "I could not save him."
remains impassive, careless.
shake my head, disappointed. It's stupid, you probably do not even hear my voice, but I was expecting a reaction that Sam is speaking!
"You're not angry, Dean?" I try again.
Get your face in his hands it to me: "Is it my fault if he said yes," I add, hoping to knock down the wall that imprisons you.
Nothing. Stay silent, staring.
I suppose I deserve it: you asked me to watch over your brother and I have used for my purposes. I knew that Michael would never have dealt with it as long as Lucifer a body so weak had lived and felt. Call it honor or loyalty, love, if you prefer, but Michael wanted his brother had a chance. I wish you were free.
It was not difficult to convince Sam, remember all too well the horrors of possession: to be trapped inside your own flesh, the sensation of a foreign body that controls and consumes you, hunger, thirst ... you have not left that state, not knowing the alternative.
knew both of condemning to certain death, but hoped that at least for you the other side there was something good, he thought he deserved the flames of Hell, but he did not hesitate just before sacrifice.
When Lucifer before he found his vessel alone and collaboratively, must have thought that Christmas had come early for him, at least until Sam had not opened his mouth.
"You would have been really proud of him, Dean," I say with a smile. "That day Lucifer has found his true through, but had to do to get a real bath of humility."
I had never seen him so angry, even when Michael was deployed against him. It would kill Sam if he could, but as your brother had warned that Lucifer was in need him, not the other way: to win his personal crusade against humanity, had to take one of you. Definitely not great for a creature so much more ...
At Sam Michael had appeared. Without a word he drew his sword, preparing to fight. Remained silent on allegations of his brother, his eyes did not betray any emotion and I'm sure at that time could not prove.
Angels are simple agents of Fate, instruments to fulfill the will of God Michael was born to fulfill that mission and his whole being tended to that single goal. The pain and anger, pity and remorse have paved the way to doubt, reducing her chances of winning. A single breach in the armor and full armor would collapse. I thought that Lucifer wanted to build on this, attempting to ensure success with his poisonous tongue, but soon I realized that it was simply confused and hurt. Michael
attacked with cold fury, his thrusts were precise, lethal, Lucifer, defending himself, and then respond with the least momentum. The first wanted to kill, thanks to its faith and its value, the second wanted to explain himself, is ready to welcome his brother after centuries of separation. Ironic as between the two unless the human was just your standard ...
the attitude of the long Michael had proved successful: a moment of hesitation, a fast-moving blade and the fight was over. Lucifer was slid forward and his brother had clasped her arms, dropping his sword. Then he screamed.
Her screams had pierced the sky and destroyed everything for miles, and the earth had opened and I was convinced that Hell would have opened up, swallowing the whole world, when Michael was calm.
had attracted him one last time the body of his brother, and then lay it gently on the ground. He had freed the front with long hair and had put his lips on her in a chaste kiss. It was a scene
intimate, harrowing, Michael had killed the creature he loved more than any other out of loyalty to a father who had abandoned. A muffled
to compassion and pity and he looked up at me. I was sure it would kill me, how much pride for me ... His eyes were immediately filled with disgust and contempt. Michael is a prince, a warrior, and I despised a pariah, a Dalit: get your hands dirty with my blood would be a shame for him.
His attention had returned to his brother, had touched his face, whispering words unknown to me. He then spread wings and left your body. Eri
collapsed on Sam, his blood spreading out below you ...
"Is that what was supposed to end," he murmured, and saluted.


The room smells fresh, it was washed up recently. The floor is still damp, the window wide open.
You are in bed, buried under layers of blankets and throws. The head lolling against the pillows, eyelids heavy, you're about to fall asleep. If I were cynical, I would think at least you have solved the problem of insomnia ...
I watch you sleep and the shadow of a smile touches my lips. When you sleep, your face loses the appearance of marble cold and dead, do not touch your eyes, dull and distant, your surroundings. Are you still, but inertia that finally imitating life.
Please do not wake up.
Ironic when only a few months ago I begged you to the contrary.
I had bent down on your bodies, decided to give a proper burial. It matters little that they were now empty shells, I had known and loved the souls that until a few moments before they had lived and I would not have allowed the rot to the ground as carrion.
We had arranged side by side, hoping that wherever you were at that time, your positions were not dissimilar.
I had taken in his arms. Your face was a mask of dirt and blood. I had clear with care, and then bend down to whisper a prayer for the souls of the dead. In that way I realized that was still breathing. It was a sound feeble, stunted. The heart still beat, weak and desperately attached to life. He would not have lasted long though.
I had collected and I did the only thing in my power to help you, I brought someone in a position to do so.
We had found ourselves in a crowded emergency room, so crowded that two human beings appeared since nothing could go completely unnoticed.
"Help! Please, I need help "I screamed, attracting the attention of all.
A nurse was immediately rushed: "What about it?" He asked, torn from my grasp.
"He was possessed, an archangel ..."
The woman shook her head, puzzled.
"Code red, people, white male, about 30 years, unconscious, bradycardia, breathing is difficult," he whispered and shouted "fucking great way to start the evening ... "
An alarm began to ring, obsessive. I had two men lying on a stretcher and taken away. I had followed.
"Epistaxis, bleeding eye ... it's definitely something exploded in there," she said someone. "We know something?"
The nurse had to first sign of no: "He came here with that guy," he said, pointing, "but is obviously upset ... or stoned."
"Ce We will look after, otherwise we risk Prepare to lose that ... the operating room. "
Then you were gone behind a door and I was left to wait.
I did not count the time as you do, measured in hours, minutes or seconds, I had focused on every single beat of your heart, fearing it was the last. Had they resisted with a force and tenacity that I thought by now you do not belong anymore.
"Why have you struggled so hard, Dean?" Wonder. "For lots more?"
It's as if your body is rebelling a truth that your soul known for some time: there is nothing here for you, no reason to stay.
See, I have a certainty. It is not difficult to admit, despite envy and anger me Rhone like a cancer: you wake up, if only we had him on your side. Somehow you know that Sammy is gone and you do not want to get another.
"You know, he does not care about you" she began quietly. "Not now, not anymore. Now he is happy, at peace, regardless of your sufferings. "
I sit next to you, continuing to speak:" Heaven is not more than a sweet, eternal oblivion and your brother has forgotten you, Dean ... "I interrupt
suddenly, in disgust. How can I be so mean? How dare you hope to resume when they are aware that life would not be worth anything to you? I feel the tears
first rigarmi cheeks: you are the only creature in heaven and on earth that still counts for something for me, yet I must let you go, you taught me to decide for myself and now force me to choose the most burdensome of all .
I lean on you and gently caress her lips. I wish I had done when still wanting, you could match. I close my eyes, savoring the slight aroma fishing. Jam, perhaps homogenized.
Your scent is good and warm. I think it's talc.
alien hands touch you, you dress. Sponging, sores, change. I would never accept something like that, would you rather die. And I ignored it too long.
ends the kiss. When our mouths are moving away, a faint electricity through me. What the hell ...? Then warn you, subtle and powerful, almost intangible: it is grace, my. It was inside you from the moment I brought back to life?
is only a small flame that left your body immediately begins to fade, to dissipate, it would not sufficient to heal. I have to act quickly.
I take her face in her hands and open your eyes: it's the last time I will see them as dull and opaque, empty.
I feel your heart slow down under my fingers, then stop fighting, finally close to his reward.
"Rest, Dean" ordered, his voice trembling.
He looked up to meet my eyes, in your shining glimmer of a happy challenge. A smile relaxes you lips. Blinked in surprise, and the image disappears. Have imagined that?
's face gently sunk into the pillow, his mouth ajar, You seem to be sleeping. Watching them, I can not help but think that at least you've found what you were looking for and, despite myself, I feel reborn faith: you are happy, Dean?


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