Saturday, March 6, 2010

Prom Dresses In The Galleria

Love Is Deadly Desires

This is the first original post that here. Hope you like \u0026lt;3

[info] arial86
Title: The mortal love
Summary: Saffo observes his beloved Attis for the last time and gives her a silent farewell.
Warning: Femslash
Rating: R
Notes: Written for Federica . One day I shall deal also with "pornovizie, beautiful \u0026lt;3

" Attis, you get tired of thinking
to me, and flights from Andromeda. "

step is light, graceful.
swathed in silk impalpable, prey and led by the goddess of the dance, you move, elegant and sinuous, following the dictates of the lira.
The blond hair falling in rich waves on your bare shoulders, around her head a crown of flowers. We've caught a few hours ago. While cut off from earth's fragrant decorations, you tell their story, this is the daffodil, white and spotless as the virtue of the boy who gave him the name, the beautiful bluebells, red blood of the beloved by Apollo. Here is the sunflower, witness of the tragic love of Clizia.
"I find there is something beautiful and cruel in the way, still undaunted, faithful, following the chariot of the Sun?" I muttered, sadly. Your laughter
crystal was then raised in the field.
I looked up from the buds scented that holding in my fingers. I felt like a fool, I thought I deridessi.
Your hand was now racing to reassure me: "It's the beauty of mortal love, do not you, Sappho?"
had sunk his face in the warmth of your palm, suddenly curious.
"What do you mean, Attis?" I asked, no longer a teacher, but student.
"What we do not expect poetic metamorphosis or divine vengeance: they are just wonderful."
"And what do we have?" I insisted.
"This" had whispered, hush with the sweetest kisses. "And that" along with my wet lips and throat expert.
A thrill I had when you were a shock came between my breasts. Had you opened up your mouth around the nipple, swelling with his tongue, while your hand was mercifully dropped to extinguish the fire between my legs.
We stay like that, panting, contented, happy, until the sun had disappeared behind the horizon.
was the last time.
I know, I understand the intense and sharp-eyed man in the back of the room. They never turned away from you, Attis. Not once.
will be a devoted husband? An attentive and generous lover? I hope so for you, my beloved.
The music is silent and you closer to your friends. Between giggles and screams will tell you the handsome young man and your cheeks are colored red.
Yes, you will be his and he will be yours, Attis. Promise me one thing: do not forget me. I will not.


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