Saturday, September 25, 2010

Stomach Acid In Throat What To Drink To Stop

Pyelonephritis is second only to upper respiratory tract infections. Over the past 20 years, the incidence gistatsionnym pyelonephritis (pyelonephritis pregnant women) has increased 5 times.
Pyelonephritis is an infection, an inflammatory disease of the kidney with the localization of the disease process in the system pyelocaliceal and interstitium. The process often asymmetric, and leads to deformation of the kidney. The most frequent causes of infectious pyelonephritis, and violation of the flow of urine, hormonal changes, low immunity.

Pyelonephritis can be primary or secondary, acute or chronic, unilateral and bilateral.

Primary pyelonephritis - neabstruktivny, so there is no process that violate the flow of urine.

secondary pyelonephritis occurs when there is a violation of the flow of urine, such as congenital anomalies, a doubling of kidney concretions, nephroptosis.

Acute pyelonephritis often one-sided infective inflammatory process of varying intensity can become chronic, recovery or death.

chronic pyelonephritis - a slow, sometimes escalating inflammatory process in the kidneys, causing sclerosis and deformation of the kidney, as well as increase blood pressure and chronic renal failure.
chronic pyelonephritis more often as a result of acute pyelonephritis, but may be chronic and primary process. Normally, when patients complain of this malaise, the desire to lie down, thirst, dry mouth, refrigeration, palpitations, headache, shortness of breath, volatile joint pain, loss of appetite, nausea. Often harass dull pain in the lumbar region, frequent urination in small portions, especially at night. The disease can be moved, hidden.

classic symptoms of acute pyelonephritis acute pyelonephritis: fever with fever, backache and loss of urine. In the diagnosis of lead is a urine test, which revealed an increase in the number of leukocytes, bacteria, cylinders, at least - red blood cells.

treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis
Treatment should be started in hospital compared with a mandatory bed rest, diet, use of antibacterial drugs based on their specific effect on the infectious agent. The number of bacteria in the urine after treatment decreases rapidly, so the analysis to determine the form of a microbe and its sensitivity to anti-inflammatory drugs should be conducted at the beginning of the disease and continue to be repeated once in 7 - 10 days.
the 3-day 5 after initiation of treatment temperature, usually decreasing, then goes back pain. In the weeks following improvement of urine, and then blood. To do this requires at least 5 weeks. Earlier this term, antibiotics can not stop. In future, these drugs can be taken within six months of 7-10 days per month viagra . Once a quarter for two years to do the check-up. If during this time, the tests are normal, the disease can be considered cured.
In 20-30% of cases of acute pyelonephritis becomes chronic, which occurs with periods of remission and exacerbation. Exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis can be treated as an acute process. In remission are advised to follow a regular diet, taking herbs, bring cures.
Treatment of pyelonephritis with herbs

treatment of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys are primarily used plants with anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, which contain essential oils (the fruit of juniper, birch buds, flowers, pith, leaves, roots and seeds parsley, hops cones), saponins (roots Harrow, born gryzhnika birch leaves), silica or silica (horsetail, the knot-grass), glycosides (bearberry, cowberry) alkoloidopodobnye substances (corn) or tannin (strawberry , nettle).


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