Monday, September 20, 2010

Flea Fogger Hardwood Floors

Greetings! Hail to the

This is a preview of the kind of story that pluck [info] axia_85 for his birthday. What can I say? This is only half-abozzo abortion, but I hope you like it. I could not really do better: I head to pieces at this time and my inspiration has committed suicide together in the last neurons.
Let me know, good: there is one that is Michael! Girl to your level ... maybe just me XD
Many many best wishes \u0026lt;3
PS: Did a fanmix nose when I'm done, I promise;
D PPS: (To passersby) There are spoilers about the end of the fifth season.
PPPS: I wanted to say something relevant but I am forgotten XD

Nothingness has no color and shape, texture or structure. He does not remember the glowing fire that gives life or death, the dark ready to choke in its cold embrace.
is an absence. The absence, probably.
overwhelm you and envelops you, however, prevent drowning. Faithful companion certainty that never emerge from its stagnant waters. Alienated any hope or flattery, even that, scary, touching one day the bottom of the abyss.
Needless to fight and rebel here. Nothing can stop quest'inesorabile fall, except, of course, His word. But it would make any attempt to sterile condemnation and redemption.
weight, attraction, gravity, wind, words are meaningless in this place. However do not get your hopes to be able to deploy its wings and fly away: end up as brittle torn sails during a storm. I know. I learned this lesson the first time.
Now I just enjoy the journey, waiting for arrivals, sweet and awaited the pain. An impact impossible, to discharge poisonous through every cell of your body and, finally, confirmation of being alive. To exist and suffer. You are not part of anything around you, not yet.
And here it is ground.
Thousands of crystals ice rise all around, to finally fall in a shower of fine diamonds. I look at them one by one, little gems that disappear in the dark without having obtained the minimum reflection.
I stand up on legs fairly stable and I can not help but congratulate myself a textbook landing. Maybe in the future, I will touch the ground light and agile as a cat. Practice makes perfect, you know.
jet head back and burst out laughing. I feel that I could go on for all eternity. We: are they crazy?
A noise behind me and I remember: I am not alone.
My laughter go out, but a stubborn grin I still tends his lips: seems almost poetic.
He stands and looks around. I bet that the perspective from which it has had in the past did not render justice to the place. A hell-hole, literally.
not yet aware of my presence, but it should not surprise me: it's always been looking for something else, someone else's. Approval that despite all his sacrifices seem to have not yet earned.
"That was what you expected?" It
A deep vertical gash on his face swollen and pesto, the right eye almost completely closed, an arm unnaturally abandoned along the side.
"Shut up" I intimate voice against his firm.
gives me back again. Its wings are damaged and mottled with red, in various places one can see the bones.
He opposed with all his being to fall, must be exhausted. It is for this that does not heal his wounds?
Part of me feels the need to stand by him, make him understand that it is not alone. To help him.
I'm here, Michael. There have always been.
But that face constantly facing something they are not inflexible and I back that prevented me from closer. How much can flaunt superiority When he has to throw away? Where do so casually and detachment? It's his world was torn to pieces, shit.

(To be continued ... or not? XD)


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