Monday, February 15, 2010

Message To The New Born

Restyle - University

I can only start by saying that my life has changed so that a full back! And I do not cry for nothing ... that scared me and I instead of the university is all so nice! All
everything changed ... from Saturday, Feb. 6, after three years and one month are returned to the status of single U___U all thanks to Codest words "I can not feel the need you, miss you when you are far away." And oh well. The'm taking it easy, maybe the fact that it has happened now is a good thing, as they are taken by all the news that the university life that leads me to think aa not me who knows what.
Sometimes when I think about really make me sad, or cry, or I ncazzo depending on the moment, so I decided not to think about it at all. Then it is easy
hell, I live in the house Student *_____*
Fantastic, absolutely! Always ready and distract people, I have wonderful people he met here ... the beauty is that now I have friends exclusively in Lecce, I ritravata increasingly call "home " my room in Monteroni and consider switching to Mesa, my country. When there are not undo it even more the case for those two days that I spend alone because there's no need now is a friend and boyfriend to hang out with ... Then
are also now entered fully into the idea of making law, I also thought I could be a lawyer trade unionist, inspires me a lot I know some person who fights xi weaker against illegal employment and abuse xD Oh well you know that soon quest'aurea champion of justice will fade but I think it will cmq x now my orientation .. if I ever exams O_O
In fact, the student's home nn leads me to study exactly, even if I work five times more than I do at home, where I miss him a backpack with books open. It 's so nice to have an own room in which to be free to do whatever the hell I want, even if it is clean (is awakening in me an obsessive mania for cleaning, which in my house nn can never outsource, also whether the chronic disorder of my desk nn is eliminated) that I lose myself in these things, since cmq are pretty quiet, apart Thursday night college .,... when we dance! I'm living my teenage years a little late, or rather what I wanted to do in his youth!
I am happy for all the friends I've incntrato and am trying to get closer to old ones, I saw Jordan and discovered how you may be happy to see that idiot a person you love seems really happy, and nn wait to hear it again Emily and Elena ...
This morning the sun is finally back and are euforicaaaaaaa: D


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