Monday, February 15, 2010

Bike Shops Open On Sundays

Sleeping Beauty

Author: [info] arial86
Title: Sleeping Beauty
Supernatural Characters: Dean / Sam
Summary: "But you shall fall into sleep ... And your sleep will cease if the love will kiss you. "
Rating: G?
One day someone will make me a table XD
Disclaimer: Dean and Sam do not belong to me, but if Kripke Dean gave me would make me very happy.
Notes: Written for the Valentine's Day! of ff_serietv_ita and dedicated to my Alice, [info] orchidea_lover . Calm after 'I will return in the sea of fluff dell'angst despair, where everything is blood ... Smack and toothpaste XD \u0026lt;3

My brother is an idiot. Worse, it is totally gay. Rejecting the court of a beautiful girl on Valentine's Day? Insane, but still forgivable. Take a spade a witch unbalanced? Definitely to be avoided.
Never mind that in that I have brought the bar there, basically just trying to revive his non-existent sex life ...
"Did you have to do the spoilsport, eh?" He muttered, sitting down at your side. You
mouth open, a trickle of saliva running down your chin. The absent-mindedly wiped away with the sleeve of his shirt.
"You know, I read that Aurora was a curvy blonde, "I say, holding back a smile.
And it was so still that it seems dead.
banish the thought of the head: you're alive, you're fine. Our witch was just a horny girl and easily offended that he acted without thinking.
sganasciato I was in the chair to see his awkward attempt to kiss you, but then you had rejected her and she had given out to Matt: "If I ever get another kiss from your true love will be alone."
I had taken to a melodramatic threat as a teenager, was a rather ridiculous to spell Charmed. When you're slumped on the counter, I thought my heart would stop in chest.
"How could you get cursed by a nineteen year old, Sammy?" Wonder, sadly.
I was assured that I still feel cornered and that slut. On the back no one would pay attention, convinced that he had only changed after the first rider was unconscious for a beer ...
Our Mean Girl cried hot tears. He did not know, did not want to ... Above all, it could dissolve 'I'm damned mess.
"We want a kiss," he yelped.
"Well, come and provide" I had ordered, threatening.
had begun to shake their heads, ranting.
My hold on her had become firmer.
"I ... I can not. It must be kissed by his true love, otherwise ... "
" What? "I asked, pushing her against the wall.
"Otherwise they might never wake up."
It was a terrible cold shower, but overall I think I did well essermela: I did not kill the girl, but I returned home to do research, assuring her that if she could not find a solution quickly, there would be over her in a coma and in the traditional manner ...
returned to the motel, I was put to work immediately. Indeed, to be honest, I collapsed to the ground, desperately trying to catch my breath: You know what it means to drag your ass unconscious for four flights of stairs? Weights a lot for someone who has the same diet of Paris Hilton ...
And here I am two days later with nothing. I know all about the myths of narcoleptic princess, the wife of Troilus in Aurora, through Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I suppose I can no longer make fun of the thing, boy fairy tales.
The girl, Alice, has just called, begging him not to kill her: will continue to look for. Yes, I would have more chance if I tried on the list with "Philip, Prince", I think ironic.
Shit, why not, "Castiel, Angel 'to' I'm the point?
I grab the phone and in a moment Cas is here.
"What's the deal, Dean?" Question, out of breath.
"Sam. I can not wake him. "Castiel
tilts his head thoughtfully," What do you mean? "
I take the paper bag of fast food, the inflated and I get close to your bed.
"This " I say, making it explode a few inches from your face.
slept, blissfully unaware of the drama in progress and the crumbs in your hair.
"What happened?"
Within minutes I put the power of the thing and the meager progress made so far: "You can do something for him?" I ask then.
shakes his head, but a smile holds her lips, "Your problem is not difficult to solve, Dean. Just Sam receives a kiss of true love ... "
" This I had learned, too, Einstein. Tell me something I do not know, "he says, irritated.
"True love is not only between men and women. Who is the person who loves Sam more than any other? Think about it. "
That said, it disappears.
"Damn, Cas," cried the now empty room.
stupid son of a bitch, should speak to your puzzle? Not that this was so complex, I was advising people to ... Shit. What do you know that it's true love? It is still a virgin!
I lay down beside you, heart in throat.
not kiss the problem, really. Well, are years that we go to bed together: a kiss is almost boarders stuff ... if I am not the right person? If I were not your true love? If I fuck up everything as I usually do?
I lean on you, arms to the sides of your head. Rest well, still, merely observe your breathing regular. Caress her face, according to those features that have known perfectly. The stop fingers on your lips, draw around it.
I also love you so much it hurts, Sammy?
pressed his lips on your forehead, dropping slowly down the eyes, nose, cheeks, to take possession of your mouth. There insinuates the language to explore it more and more transport.
Open your eyes, please.
Then I hear; your hand through my hair, your tongue that respond to the caresses of my
... Thank you, Sammy.
"Ben woke up, princess" I whisper, taking breath.


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