Thursday, February 11, 2010

Desmume Pokemonheartgold

boastful sclera and FF \u0026lt;3

Lately I would not do nothing but write. I think it's the fault of the damn block, because I love him \u0026lt;3
in no time I wrote two originals and four acting: they are great!
I leave the last ^ ^

Author: [info] arial86
Title: Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean / Castiel, references to Dean / Sam
Summary: When you love someone you want to protect it, not least by himself.
Rating: PG13 (I think XD)
Disclaimer: Dean and Sam do not belong to me, but if Kripke Dean gave me would make me very happy.
Note: I dedicate it to [info] phoenix_bellamy . Although this should not like, until your birthday is no time XD
Tvb \u0026lt;3

"And I'd give up forever to touch you Cause I know
That You Feel Somehow
me You're the closest to Heaven That I'll ever be
And I do not want to go home right now.
And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe
your life Cause sooner or later it's over
I just do not Want to Miss You Tonight. "
(Iris, Goo Goo Dolls)

I turn on the side and watch you sleep.
're calm, relaxed
A hand to be your pillow, the other resting gently on his chest. Breath slow, smooth.
There is no sign of tension on your face, even his eyes beneath the eyelids are completely properties. You're not dreaming, I can not afford it. At night, your thoughts always return to him, turning into horrific nightmares. Even after
hell your soul was so horribly torn: despair, anger, guilt. I hate it.
you do me apart if I knew what I do, would not see someone trying to help you, but an enemy ready to fail. You'd think that I have betrayed you, just like everyone else. It would be worth little excuses and justifications, no longer accept nor one nor the other.
You do not need a friend, never make you vulnerable to the point, not looking for a lover, no longer able to feelings so deep. You just want a body to drown a few priceless minutes of oblivion and I are, for that too.
What do you want to change the knowledge that even in those moments is not me who belong to?
devour my mouth with desperate passion, but your eyes are far apart, it is me who violates sinking more and more violent and frantic, but his name escapes you when you come from the lips. By now you will not apologize even more
... Sometimes I wonder why I remain close, when you're nothing but a pale ghost of the person that I saved years ago. Your laughter, your attention, everything is gone along with your brother.
Yet, I can not leave you.
I will preserve your humanity, but I can try to protect your life: I have to take care of you, no one taught you how to do it alone.
And if that means using my weak powers to give you a few hours of peaceful sleep, well, certainly I will not feel guilty. You are neither alone nor vulnerable, not more.
I bend down to steal a chaste kiss and back on my feet. Sleep better, Dean, I will watch over you.


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