Monday, August 17, 2009

Undf Dosya Formatı

Accommodation Dubrovnik

Holidays 2 days from the start. So, what say?
For me to come to Croatia and 'something normal, sometimes when my friends tell me that me going for a walk I feel a little' bumped because I spend the days here are a familiar feature in particular: what I am doing here and stay with my family especially, with the aunt and the aunt, with my cousin and her daughter short. The sea and the fun comes after (implies all the youth activities such as going out at night, dancing, knowledge) and 'really even more' below. Here I am with my aunt, I speak with my cousin, we play for hours and hours to level 40 and one steal cards and cheating in the most 'sensational and absurd, I do the cleaning for my uncles to pass the time (already' and this 'an index of the style of my holiday!), which in Italy even think to do: but here it' s funny and makes me feel useful. On the beach, in recent years have been almost always alone, from 3 until 6 and a half, mostly 'doing dips from the rocks, solitary with the cards and reading. I am a person who has learned not to get bored to be alone and be satisfied to be just watching the scenery (beautiful, otherwise where is' satisfaction?) And improve my diving (what a dolphin with the head mine always comes out well, a bit wrong 'when I dive from the cliffs high, now I'm perfecting the one with the somersault). This year the situation and 'was a bit' unusual: I met my cousin, my aunt's daughter Dijana, who had seen for the last time when I was 6 years old, and not even remember it. It 'was a shock to discover that he did not know English, which had focused on communicating x, while he had only studied German in school, I spent two weeks to communicate with gestures, the limited vocabulary that I have of Croatian and through the translation of other people, while I never talked seriously. At the end with my cousin Ana-Marija I've gotten, one night we did a little notebook with the conjugation of verbs more often (being, having, go, to know) and more useful vocabulary to communicate in Italian and Croatian and everything 's a bit better. Today they are divided and we promised to write e-mail in Italian and Croatian so 'that we can learn another into their respective languages to prepare for next year when it will be' to visit us in Italy, where everything good. They came for a week with the boy Simon Attilio and I spent two days with them to sea, one bathroom and one in Lokrum were a bit 'a relief volvulus: grand to have someone to talk to everything Italian including what you say, besides my mother. Then there were some days a bit empty, whom I take refuge in a little 'computer (the 1 st year that I have internet here) and some of the books (I read 5 and I reread it again Breaking Dawn) and which I ardently wanted to be with my friends in Italy, with Marco. But still be here in croatia here with my family here, the only family that I feel like this, real around me (even though my most beloved aunt, Aunt Maya, and 'just a friend of her mother but perhaps more 'Dijana her sister) and' something need, something fundamental, and the tears that arrive each year at his departure, on both sides, who goes and who stays, are sincere. Even now his eyes a little pinch at the thought of leaving. But the next day when I'm in Italy are happy to be there ', that they (the other) my house. As we humans are contradictory.


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