Tuesday, August 18, 2009

South Park Streaming With Sub


Below you will find all the details to post your fanfic on ClichéClash!

What type of fanfic you can post?
can write fanfic of any kind and rating, just warning you. We also ask you to observe these small requests:
  • Be sure to give weight and importance to the cliché you are using. In some cases you are almost forced to do so, but not in others, so try to do your best!
  • The fanfic must be unpublished .
  • The fanfic must be oneshot (episodic), unless you are participating in the more you have, and so forth .
  • In case you want to use a cliché in our chapters are writing a fanfic, you can still do it: if it is a cliché only in one chapter, chapter and will post the link to the above but not You can post new chapters unless they contain other clichés. If each chapter contains a cliché, post it all too easily, they will each be considered a fanfic of him, and will not apply to the so on and so forth (and consequently, for the Cliché of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ).
  • If you participate in "the more you have, and so forth" (from one to one hundred in one fanfic cliche) you can post a fanfic more chapters, with the proviso that they are complete at the time of publication and that they are unpublished.
  • The fanfic must have a minimum of 500 words . The drabble or flashfic we like a lot, but the beauty of the cliché is to find him in a story - a scene that I describe in 200 words clichéosa action simply loses a bit 'of meaning in the spirit of community.
  • There is a limit of words.
  • The fanfic must be in writing to the community . Avoid, if possible, to write fanfic for this community, that, and that other other one yet, using 4 or 5 different themes proposed by different people. It 's just a matter of commitment: in the end we will not give dates or other we're just a bit 'jealous. Once posted the fanfic, but you can do whatever you want, since it's obviously your stuff (libraries, other community to recycle, sell, change all the E in O. ..)
  • Express credit rating according to the typical classification American; G, PG, PG-13 , R, NC-17 . ( Here you will find the explanation.)
When posting a fanfic for the community, you have placed under LJ-cut ( here you can find instructions) or fake-cut (a link to your store or personal website where you post *). *
Sure, in this case, the archive is free to all and not use a private blog.

The title of your post should reflect this structure :
[# cliché] Title
Example: [# 34] Patrick Squarepants

In post, always remember to indicate title, the cliché that you are using and what steps you are taking part, the membership of fandom, rating, any warnings and disclaimers, and if you want, and summary notes. Here is an example:
  • Title: Patrick Squarepants
  • Cliché: # 34, If I were you ... (Climbing)
  • Fandom: Spongebob Squarepants
  • Rating: NC-17
  • Warning: Yaoi, Yuri, Slash, Fluff, OOC, AU, What If .. .? MPREG, Shounen-ai, Shoujo-Ai ...
  • Disclaimers: 's just a figment of my sick mind
  • Summary (optional) And if by magic Patrick wore pants pictures of Spongebob?
  • Notes (optional) I hope that no one has nightmares because of the warnings ... In
tags (labels) of the post, remember to indicate :
  • Your name, using the nickname you use here at LJ preceded by "author", with no spaces between words and the two points.
  • The number of cliches that you used, this time without the "titoletto.
  • The fandom for which you have written. (Note: Use the most common words and if someone has already written for this fandom, check out how it was entered in the tags. We would prefer to avoid having 8,497,402 different tags for the same series. In case of doubt, however, quiet place and ask us to give a settled, we're here!)
If you never posted the above example, we:

Tags: author: yan_mazu, # 34, Spongebob Squarepants

And as someone said .. . And that's all, folks!
In case of doubts, questions, existential crises and more, check out the FAQ and if you still do not know which way to turn, take a whistle and run to your rescue!


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