Monday, August 17, 2009

Cataract Surgery Marijuana

I like writing. Again.
This new desire and 'party from reading the book My Invented Country Isabelle Allende, a book that, despite the suspicion with which I have approached me and' loved it. After the words of the writer regarding the need to write, which was created especially those who feel a bit differently in by others, who feel rootless and tries to merge in the writing, I spent at least 4-5 days imagining how I would write my journal every sensation I felt, all that happens to me, everything I saw. Replace the words, formulated during the periods, commas and periods placed at the head. It 's a blast so come' suddenly. As usual I do not know what since then write the first thing on my mind, the next post, so how are things in my mind, so it's likely that there can be no logical sense, saying at one point to be happy , and the sharp contrast in the next ... but are a bit too many things that have accumulated and I want to write.


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