Monday, August 17, 2009

Strongest Batteries Aa

The Pier

you ever be in some place and have the feeling that you get there you could stay forever and never be tired? Yesterday I went to one of my favorite corners of the city 'of old Dubrovnik, the pier, the last esprema propagine to the sea of this part of the city '. Seems not to exist when you arrive at the port, hidden by the enormous size of the circular bastion: after walking around the perimeter, to appear before you, wrapped in the darkness, even the small piano bar music can not be heard before he passed the greater curvature the bastion. Arrive, climb 5 steps and sit on the bench that faces the open sea and feel they do not want to be somewhere else if you do not '. It 's almost midnight and the air hot and dry, but it throws a light wind, you're fine and do not know where to stop to turn its eyes: before me there Lokrum of the island, with its white rocks and the dark green forest that covers it completely and the open sea, of a darker hue of the sky from the horizon and can not distinguish, to my right I see the great bastion, lit from below, the piano bar with a little 'jazz and from afar the ancient port, on my left the mountain where the lights of the houses and of roads and streetlights in the distance, a huge cruise ship, whose lights are often confused with those of some cities' away on the coast, leaving behind me the old town, the ancient walls with their lights that reflect on the sea, white and red: then the clear sky above me, stars. Probably some curious glance I seemed a little agitated, still looking a bit in one direction, some in a other, but in my mind was all the opposite: it was a long time that I did not feel so 'good somewhere, I was the' right as I could, as long as common sense told me not to risk that they ended the bus to return and I got a bit dragging their feet still look back, as if I was still a child and my mother had taken me by the hand and was carrying on. I thought that if ever 'here in Dubrovnik with a person I love, the first night will bring him to come out' in that special corner where I really feel for this city 'and' a little 'mine, under the skin and in the heart, and at the same time excites me as if seeing it for the first time.


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