Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do Gays Like Genital Piercings

[# 4] Too sexy to be human

Title: Too Sexy to be human
Cliché: # 4, Secret Identity (scale)
Queer as Folk (USA)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimers: Brian and Justin If you belong to me as I can certainly keep them entertained .. . The fic is written in a non-profit and for the sheer pleasure of mine and daredevils who will read it.
Summary: Babylon And if an evening-dress?
Well well, the climb begins immediately with an NC-17 slash, just to let me know immediately as the maniac that XD It 's the first time that I write for this fandom, and my knowledge of Queer stop at the first series, so imagine the fic set during the period of the first episodes.

Too Sexy To Be Human


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