Friday, June 25, 2010

Poptropica Clothing Where To

[# 7] Vanity and Jealousy

Title : vanity and jealousy
Cliché: # 7 Let's cut a (scale)
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Pairing: Holmes / Watson
Rating: PG
Warnings: Shonen to implication, Oneshot, a pinch of crossover there early
These two wonderful characters belong to C. Doyle and I love them and I can only envy the genius of their author! Robert and Jude also belong to themselves and I can only love them and thank their mothers * __ *
Note: this is the second step of the scale! I apologize from now with all the fans of Holmes and Watson for the crap I wrote, as I'm reading the various stories of Doyle and therefore I still have a thorough knowledge of their history, so I based on some first novels and a bit on the last film to feature my Holmes and Watson. It 's a story without being pretentious, and is also the first in the fandom.

of vanity and jealousy

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do Gays Like Genital Piercings

[# 4] Too sexy to be human

Title: Too Sexy to be human
Cliché: # 4, Secret Identity (scale)
Queer as Folk (USA)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash
Disclaimers: Brian and Justin If you belong to me as I can certainly keep them entertained .. . The fic is written in a non-profit and for the sheer pleasure of mine and daredevils who will read it.
Summary: Babylon And if an evening-dress?
Well well, the climb begins immediately with an NC-17 slash, just to let me know immediately as the maniac that XD It 's the first time that I write for this fandom, and my knowledge of Queer stop at the first series, so imagine the fic set during the period of the first episodes.

Too Sexy To Be Human

Saturday, June 12, 2010

How To Make Crepes With Krusteaz Pancake Mix

Damn! Break My Fall

Today very special occasion: a few days ago I emizzato! No, I'm not here to brag of my emo-enterprises, instead I write to thank those who helped me out of my crazy tunnel of razor blades and self-pity: [info] vahly \u0026lt;3 My
Damned is a truly exceptional person, even if I do not think it will ever really matters. Intelligent, likeable, Pucci, generous ... ie, we speak of the Saviour of the Fatherland!
We met when he chose acting over the Faig BingBang from fanart and fanmixare, but the real deal I did. Sure, thought I was beginning to be a jumping-jumping-hospitalized, but no one is perfect ... and then it is true that hopping u_u
However, during the months I began to discover more about her, until the shocking meeting in Rome ... O_o
Having survived that, I decided that nothing could kill me and I became immortal * laughs maniacally *
So I take this opportunity to thank also my story of eternal life \u0026lt;3
It will be the chief demon in the group of lazy, but with me it has never ... I mean, I do not comment on the fic, but know we can not kill her? * Thinks for a bit 'up and finally rejects the idea
* Listen to my vents, you come under my monologues scleranti, overwhelms me with ALIIIII: Q_, I fanmixa stuff, forcing me to participate in contests, I improved the curriculum, I clogged up the phone and facebook! I mean, here I come to the level of personal secretary! And perhaps there is someone who makes me more than you or sclera that is more skilled with BOTTLE? I would not say own. THANK YOU DAMAGE!
I love you and you puccia! Always count on me \u0026lt;3