Saturday, December 4, 2010

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Dannatuzza Greetings! ♥ header

Oink oink oink ! Today is the birthday of my heart Dannatuzza! \u0026lt;3
I say this not because it is celebrated, but it is one of the best people I've found anywhere. Initially, I admit, I talked with him just because I liked to tease Sam gossip. Yes, I I know, because let me XD
In time, I gained more and more. It is simply amazing girl: smart, creative, nice, sweet, always available ... and it is crazy like a horse \u0026lt;3
enlighten me immensely every time I see her appear with her on msn or ebuddy and loved our chats scleranti will remain in history. I mean, what else to say? I adore you, Dannatuzza, never change. Indeed yes: try to emizzare less, one can not love you, I assure you!

We come to the gift ...

It was a moonless night, the only light came from a streetlight on the road. I could hardly sleep. I kept tossing and turning between the sheets, hoping that sleep finally came. Suddenly, I heard it. Initially, I thought it was a joke of the imagination: it was a sound so strange! But that clap clap continued. With every passing minute I was able to identify the source: the bed above mine. My sister.
I sat up and saw the scene I will never forget: he was sitting up in bed and tried to keep a balance in BOTTLE on the forehead, while rhythmically pounding their hands ...

Ok, ok. We are the true gift! XD Love you, ♥ Damn

Title: Heaven Beside You
Author: [info] arial86
Rating: G
Summary: The War in Heaven is finally over, leaving two injured creatures and sun. Will they get under each other and to move forward?
Characters: Gabriel, Michael.
Notes: Dedicated to [info] vahly . We thank [info] babycin , beta fantastic and not at all troublesome \u0026lt;3

His gait is majestic, his whole being cloaked in a light, pure and sublime.
There is no envy in the eyes of those who looks at him like creature is made to be admired with a heart devoid of pettiness and resentment.
deep bow to accommodate its passage. Curious as the supreme contempt which they are subject and the veneration he intended to have made our state so similar: both are denied the faces of our brothers. This is why no one has noticed the shadows that hide his eyes, the hard curve of his lips?
I am now out of their circle, I may study it. I smile, maybe it would be more correct to spy on him. Michael is the one that I could be, what I should be.
We are just at the edge of our world.
The crown that encircles the head is the symbol of the preference accorded by God, and yet lying forgotten between his fingers as the most useless knick-knacks.
His eyes roam the earth in search of something. He was always selfless that blue planet and the fate of its inhabitants, but now everything is changed.
You are looking for him, right?
I go, quiet, despite being totally absorbed in his vision. I should not, I know. There is no reason why Michael should any search for a company, my all. What I dislike even the most vile among us, how could the angel closest to our Father to think otherwise? His pain, however, is something so vivid and palpable, which prevents me to turn away, ignore it.
We are both persecuted by the actions committed and those missing.
My hand rests on his shoulder, almost on its own initiative.
"Sorry" he murmured, guilty.
Is it not to protect us, to protect me, who gave up everything he had?
started, and red flames blazing around him.
me flinch once, but not before my fingers have received such a fire burning kiss. Damn, at least they are all still in place.
"Gabriel!" She exclaims, surprised. "What ... Sit down."
I can not hold a slight laugh, years of war have changed his way of speaking in a string of orders and warnings.
seems to understand why so much laughter and repeated his request in a softer tone.
"Well, this could pass for an invitation" to admit, sitting at his side.
takes my hand in his and the door to his lips. Pose them to you, nothing more. They touch my skin, cold and delicate, a healing balm for the deep burns that dot.
remain so for perhaps a minute in silence. Then let me go, my wounds disappeared.
"Thanks," he says, after some time.
a grateful smile on his face, his features relaxed. Abandons his head against my shoulder and closes her eyes.
A warm mist of tears I have blurred vision, heart lighter hours. As you try to choke you, I feel reborn hope Michael can forgive my sin?
Gathering all my courage to ask him, when the feel. The voice of God is impossible for an angel to ignore his call, and Michael is already up, ready to obey.
his hands to his ears, unable to move, I can not appear before all of them.
is impatient, anxious.
shake my head, "Go well, Michael."
back beside me.
"It is a sin to question your opinion, Gabriel."
He looked up at him: "What do you mean?"
"What if you have not fallen like the others, there is a reason ;. "
"Sure, what would it be?"
Here, the question I ask myself since the end of the war. The one that all of them, I bet, have weighed at least once.
"He knows your heart, too. You have not fought, it is true, but you did not either for cowardice or for calculation. You could not raise his hand against your brothers, love has guided your actions, as it always does with his. "
He bent over me and kisses my hair," There is in heaven noblest of you angel, Gabriel, I hope you understand it. And now, I'm sorry, but I'm not usually so late, "he adds, pulling up and forcing me to walk.
Already, the power has just ruined.
dragging me to the throne room, then the door leaves my hand. Opens the door and beyond.
walk a few steps behind him, my heart in my throat. At my entrance, the room comes alive with whispers. All eyes are at the cowardly, the pariah. How can I believe his words here?
"Okay," I reassured.
I do not even touching, but his aura around me. Its wings a shield around my body. I know, I hear. And all the others. The buzz grows
increasingly, to finally vanish into thin air: Michael has taken his seat next to God, and I'm at his side.


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