Saturday, December 4, 2010

Urethral Cyst Removal

Dannatuzza 2!

Dannatuzza could not miss the combo gift and my Nicoletta here your epic \u0026lt;3
Mmm ... We wrote everything on msn, do not expect an immortal masterpiece, even if it is a genius: the Koala is doing take, take, all happy * _ *

It was a moonless night, the only light came from a streetlight on the road. I could hardly sleep. I kept tossing and turning between the sheets, hoping that sleep finally came. Suddenly, I heard it. Initially, I thought it was a joke of the imagination: was a sound so strange! But that clap clap continued. With every passing minute I was able to identify the source: the bed above mine. My sister.
I sat up and saw the scene I will never forget: he was sitting up in bed and tried to keep a balance in BOTTLE on the forehead, while beating his hands rhythmically.

A strangled cry escaped my lips and she raised her head, a maniacal grin painted on his face. A trickle of saliva running from his mouth just opened. I watched him spellbound.
A small drop pearl fell off and flew on the bedspread. It's face was transfigured, and she began to emit a low, continuous oink.
stepped back, horrified, until I had the wall behind me. What to do?
tortured me with similar questions, when the window behind me shattered. I turned and saw a small bird that made its way through a web of fragments.
had brownish wings beating very fast, and a long, thin beak.
entered the room and flew to meet me.
I could not believe it on his tiny forehead was tattooed a picture of George Clooney on the size of a postage stamp!

Con uno scatto, mi lanciai fuori dalla stanza, ma inciampai su qualcosa e mi ritrovai dritta a terra.
Mi rialzai, ancora dolorante. D'un tratto mi sembrò della massima importanza scoprire cosa mi avesse fatto cadere.
Una rapida occhiata in giro ed individuai il colpevole: un mocho vileda.

Lo sfiorai e ritrassi la mano di scatto: era ricoperto di una sostanza densa e appiccicaticcia.
Ma che dia...?
Lo strano uccellino mi planò addosso, emettendo strani versi. Ele, Ele, Ele .
L'allontanai con una mano, ma tornò all'attacco con rinnovata foga.
Afferrai il mocho I began to shake and cast out the small animal.
At that moment, oink my sister's tone changed.
were paid low throat. I looked at her and I lost my breath, levitate, levitating on the bed!
let out a cry of fear and her head rotates 180 degrees to me. I was about to go crazy with fear, when something happened that startled me deeply: he left the jingle of Sailor Moon.
A business card I was struck by the front and I looked.
The boy, a lanky with a face like a maniac, pressed into the mantle and I told him to read his business card. This
read: Sam Winchester, hunter.

Winchester? The same Winchester behind which the sclera Worth?
The boy confirmed it, saying that however, this case would deal him alone: his brother had not wanted to cross the Atlantic in the air for a damn Samgirl.
sure I smiled and shot the bird, indicating it as the last of its kind: a Clooneybrì, how could I see the icon on his forehead.
Apparently Castiel, some angel, had made them settle filled with rice expired.
They were mad that eating unhealthy food and had loose against each other, poor creatures.
"And my sister? What you can do for you? "I asked, desperately.
"The poor wretch, is owned by Foca bad, but I can save it: just play a simple exorcism!"

I looked straight at me and said, "I will need your help, Dannatina. Are you ready? "
"Well, then hit it with mocho while I recite my powerful exorcism."
obeyed, a bit 'with a heavy heart I did not want to hit my sister with that mocho gross vomit!
"In my head, I would recommend" Sam said.
began to shower down blows as he stated: "Salacadula magicabula, Bibidi bobidi bu. Does the magic all you ask tuuu Bibidi bobidi bu! "
" But this is the song "Cinderella," I said.
"Ssshh, shut up: the daemon is exiting."
Yes, it was true.
I saw a blue sprite resembling a seal's body left the Vale, seeking refuge in the BOTTLE.
When he had gone around, Sam Winchester attappò BOTTLE at the refuges where it was and made her disappear into his pockets.
"Here, I saved the situation again. Your sister will sleep for a few days, a young civil "
He wrapped himself in the mantle and ran from the room.
going to be a superhero and all-I thought to myself, but it really is an idiot.
sighed and put it back in order. After a last look at Yale, disappearing beneath the sheets: this horrible night will haunt me all my life!


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