Saturday, October 16, 2010

Upset Stomach 23 Weeks Pregnant

Rebellion [# 04] Movement

Title: Movement
Cliché: # 4, Secret Identity (scale)
Fandom: Avatar - The Last Airbender
Rating: G Warnings
: Post-Finale, so vague spoiler: )
Disclaimers : OK, Avatar is not mine, otherwise I would not write fanfic, but another series, probably: ° D
clichéclash Written for the community to the cliché # 4, "Identity secret ":)


stand still was not in its nature.
Although only three weeks had passed since the lord of the fire had been defeated, and a little over two from coronation of Zuko, time never seemed longer than that. After a year on the back of Appa to travel the world far and wide, meet people, to fight injustice and all that goes with it, the stillness of her current life in Ba Sing Se made her impatient. Still see so many people sick, so many things still to fix, so many unresolved problems, and they can only be limited to serving tea in the hall of Iroh, had become truly too.
However, take the field as if nothing had happened, as it was before, it had become impossible to recognize all, everyone knew that it was Katara, everyone stopped and wanted to do things for him. And she remained inactive, with a host of Servetti around.
was then that I decided to do things in secret. Rebuilding

that costume was not all that difficult: Ba Sing Se was in effect the largest city in the world, and its market was known to hold any kind of goods. So a hat, a thin cloth as a veil, a dress and makeup were not certain of the goods so rare that it can not be located: it was rather difficult to expect to pay them, and try to do it with a certain nonchalance. After all, what are a disguise, if all you saw and bought it?
eventually managed to put all the pieces together, thanks to his friends while Toph, unaware of everything, bought a veil that was intended to "build a tent for shelter from mosquitoes at night, or so she was told, Suki did not find at all strange request to borrow the makeup of the Kyoshi warriors, with a "why can not I try it at least once? It seems so typical. " With all finally
pieces to be combined, there was really more in the skin. He did not think too long about which was the best time to act: the evening was barred because the evenings were totally dedicated to Aang, and nothing and no one would take away this pleasure. He found himself instead to think long and hard about another point: if he should talk with him about his plan or not. She did not like the idea of doing something so important to keeping it in the dark, but at the same time would not involve too much, because none was more visible 's Avatar to Ba Sing Se , and reputation was just what she needed less. So I think the best moment was the time just before dawn: dark yet, but not enough to require a portable light, even without people who wandered in as the last night owls were already sleeping, not too quickly from having to seek an explanation that went beyond simply going to take good air early in the morning, when his friends had noticed his absence. The first few days

spun hair. Was limited to simple tasks and could not attract too much attention, often related to the domain of water, such as increasing the course of a river to flow more water to the water citizen, always too small for the huge amount of people, at the same time you did not miss the physical work, like moving rocks, remove the residues of the machinery of war of the Fire Nation, the streets clean from waste and so on . The disguise was a little 'bulky, sure, but had to admit that it did not regret his choice when a child already knows how to wake up, he thanked the Painted Lady for having done it again with force flow of water in the streams canal that irrigated the field that was to be his family. He even tried to share with her her breakfast, as an offering to please the Great Spirit, but she had gone silent, but with a huge smile on his face, and never was more welcome the gift of that piece of bread and jam he could not taste it.

Needless to say Aang soon discovers the whole story. After all, had already done it once, but after hearing about the reasons behind her, and after making sure that in everything there was nothing dangerous, accepted his request to leave without intervening. Happy to see her every night, while explaining how he had reclaimed that store water, or how a man had greeted her with a bow to thank him back to the hay wagon to the house, it pays for any concern that could have during the day. Not that he had no time to worry about, among other things: the reconstruction of the reigns of the four elements was made progressively more challenging, but got distracted in the moment, his thoughts ran straight to her, knowing that was fine able to take care of itself.

Then, the inevitable happened.
was a morning like any other, and the slight glow of the sun would rise soon spreading a soft glow was already in the open spaces between the houses, although the streets were still dark as pitch. As usual, Katara was involved in many different tasks that were to come to mind. At that time, namely, was doing a series of tests for groped to fill a huge cavity, caused by falling bomb or some kind of rock. Initially he thought it would be possible to transform it into a pond, but had thought it would be also necessary to dig channels for the water change, or would be transformed immediately into a swamp, and a smelly swamp was the last thing needed at that juncture. I therefore hope to be able to settle the soil in some way, then perhaps plant trees or cultivate the fields, or build new homes. While he was preoccupied by those thoughts, there came a baby. He saw immediately that it was smaller in comparison another boy who had first met, and most likely belonged to the nation on fire, given the very black hair. His reaction was not dissimilar to those of all others, in any case: just saw her, bent his back and immediately lowered his head, in a respectful bow. But then he spoke.
- Thanks for everything you do for us every night ... Miss Katara.
was then in his head lit a lamp.
How could he forget? It was not only his friends know his secret identity ... that ugly play on their history it was revealed to all those who had attended. In His heart, however, there was no room for shame. Only immense gratitude: if all those people already knew who he was, and for weeks had pretended not to recognize it, could just be because I appreciate her efforts and did not want to embarrass her. His heart was filled with joy.

The boy raised his head and looked into her eyes, smiling shyly. But all he saw was an immense sweetness printed in her face, and all that saw the index was placed on his lips, as if to indicate to continue to keep the secret.

*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* 16/10/2010

I think this is the first fic I ever wrote not to turn around a pairing. o_o Maybe the challenge makes me really well.
In any case ... voila: D Avatar to be very powerful, if he convinced me to start writing fanfiction. Though this story is preeminently
KataraCentric, I am a Kataang convinced, so the next story should be a Kataang. > _>


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