Friday, April 2, 2010

Why Did Michigan Booster Seat Become A Law

[# 1] Damsel (naked) in distress.

Title: Damsel (naked) in trouble.
Plate: # 1, damsel in distress
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: America (Alfred F. Jones), England (Arthur Kirkland)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Shonen-ai

Disclameirs : This fanfiction was not written for profit. The characters do not belong to me.


"England," they sighed, ready to listen to another manifestation of his boundless ego, "explain to me why you're so, In short, so bare at this time of morning? "but it was clear that America would also demonstrate his skills as a clairvoyant and fortune teller," I mean, I know you like certain toys, not for nothing're a friend of France but I'm just worried about you and your health. Do not you too old for sadomasochistic practices. "


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