Monday, April 5, 2010

Funny Wedding Invitation Text For Friends

[# 98] Maybe Next Time

Title: Maybe Next Time
Cliché: # 98, Begin and / or Return (Plan)
Fandom: Original

Rating: G
Warnings: None
Disclaimers: All my x ° D
Notes: Join the egg hunt fanworld coll'uovo 16 (height in cm divided by two for 10 -> 164 * 10 / 2 = 820).
- The story is linked to other, can be found on my lj with the tag collection: that of the high school's

The sigh of Miranda was caused by several factors: first, the chances of the magazine to win that year were very low, then the trip would be made by coach - which she hated in addition, the departure time was set for seven in the morning, and what it meant to be quite tired enough to want to sleep but not wake up from sleep.
Furthermore, it was very tempting to go a little town Sperduto, where the most fun was a good game of cards, and already the year before did not want to go, but the teacher was very convincing Seraphim.


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