Thursday, July 19, 2007

Husband And Wife Taking Shower

topazio @ 2007-07-19T15:44:00

"Friendship is not just talk together to make 4.
Friendship is not only love, desire or pain. Friendship is more

Friendship is in the eye and read your own words
Friendship is an open smile on the windows of the world
Friendship is a helping hand to tell you that you are not alone! "

With friendship

indicates a feeling of mutual affection and live between two or more of the same or different sex , but also between humans and beings from the world of animals . Together with the 'love , is one of the states emotional core of social life. In almost all cultures, friendship and understanding is perceived as an equal relationship based on respect, esteem and mutual availability, which puts constraints on freedom of the people involved.

The theme of friendship is the subject of countless works of 'art and ingenuity, was treated already Aristotle and Cicero and is the subject of songs , literary, cinematic works and so on.

usually distinguish different degrees of friendship, the friendship causally linked to a sympathy that emerges by chance in some circumstances might be temporary, so-called friendship intimate or associated with an ongoing relationship over time between people who come to establish a confidence level comparable to that typical of the mutual relationship.


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