Thursday, July 19, 2007

How Serious Is Bilirubin 14 Of A Newborn


the glass!
- I am a coffee?
- A macchiato cold. In cup
- A small hot spot.
- Two coffee in a proper Mistrà
- I wanted a coffee.
- A coffee here and a Takeaway.
- A cold coffee.
- A small. In cup cold water for pleasure.
- A Moroccan, thanks.
- Three coffee: one long, one decaf and one regular.
- A cafe. Makes me double?
- A double espresso, confined in a large cup.

And then we also clarify some doubts (among the most troubling, especially for tourists novice)

- Esiste il caffè "nero"?
E di che altro colore dovrebbe mai essere?

- Si dice "espresso"?
Se siete stranieri è meglio dirlo. O - per farvi un piacere - vi porteranno quei bibitoni lunghi che si bevono all'estero.

- Qual è il senso dell'espressione "prendiamo un caffè?" ?
Il senso è: stiamo un po' insieme, facciamo due chiacchiere. Non siete costretti necessariamente a bere un caffè. Al bar (dove siete andati a "prendere un caffè") potete bere anche dell'altro.

- It hurts a cappuccino after lunch?
- To you who do not drink it. To me I look so.

- What is the difference between glass and a coffee in a cup?
The coffee is the same as the wine is the same if you drink a large glass or small, in a glass, in a plastic cup or bottle. It is up to you to choose what you prefer.

- What is a "Moroccan"?
understanding that every town or village has its uses and customs, is generally a Moroccan coffee in the glass with cocoa, cream and whipped cream.

Husband And Wife Taking Shower

topazio @ 2007-07-19T15:44:00

"Friendship is not just talk together to make 4.
Friendship is not only love, desire or pain. Friendship is more

Friendship is in the eye and read your own words
Friendship is an open smile on the windows of the world
Friendship is a helping hand to tell you that you are not alone! "

With friendship

indicates a feeling of mutual affection and live between two or more of the same or different sex , but also between humans and beings from the world of animals . Together with the 'love , is one of the states emotional core of social life. In almost all cultures, friendship and understanding is perceived as an equal relationship based on respect, esteem and mutual availability, which puts constraints on freedom of the people involved.

The theme of friendship is the subject of countless works of 'art and ingenuity, was treated already Aristotle and Cicero and is the subject of songs , literary, cinematic works and so on.

usually distinguish different degrees of friendship, the friendship causally linked to a sympathy that emerges by chance in some circumstances might be temporary, so-called friendship intimate or associated with an ongoing relationship over time between people who come to establish a confidence level comparable to that typical of the mutual relationship.

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ballate ragazze

DANCE as if no one looks at you

We believe that our life will be better after we get married, when we have a first or second child. Then we are frustrated because our children are too young for this or that, and we think that things will get better when they grow up. Following are exasperated by their behavior as teenagers. We will certainly be happier when they have exceeded this age. We think we feel better when our spouse gets his problems, when we change the car, when we have a wonderful holiday, when we are no longer forced to work. But if we lead a full and happy life now, when we do? You should always face the difficulties of any kind. Might as well accept this reality and decide to be happy, whatever happens.

One of my favorite quotes was by author Alfred Souza "For so long I had the feeling that life would soon be started, the real life! But there were always obstacles to overcome along the way, something of unresolved, a deal that still required of time, debts which were not yet settled, then life would begin. Eventually I realized that these obstacles were my life. " This way of perceiving things helped me to understand that there is a way to be happy but that happiness is the means.

Consequently, enjoy every moment of your life and enjoy it even more because you can share with a loved one, a very dear person to go all the precious moments of life, and remember that time waits for no one.

So stop thinking you finish school, go back to school, to lose 5 kg, 5 kg to take, to have children, to see them go home.

Stop waiting to start work, retire, get married, to divorce.

Stop waiting on Friday night, Sunday morning, to have a new car or a new house.

Stop waiting for spring, summer, autumn or winter.

Stop waiting to depart this life, to be reborn again, and decide that x is no better time to be happy that the present moment. The happiness and joys of life are not the goals, but a journey.

Work as if you needed money

Love as if you ever suffer.

Dance like no one is watching you.

Marianna Myspace Barbie

topazio @ 2007-07-19T14:03:00

А вот и снова я! The pasta was excellent and really, little by little I'm learning Italian cuisine and are happy to moooooooolto questo.Sono sure that my husband will be happy to see me make things Italian .. Unfortunately he is very far away now and everything is so bad without him .. But we are strong and I know that in a bit these days are only memories now, and so on .. .. Ну ладно, пошла я добавлять фотки в журнал)) Ciaoooooooo

Tired And Peeing Alot

Ураааааааааааа! первая запись))

Ну вот я и ; decided to create my journal)) Those who know Italian, I do not think that guy, I just like the word, and I'm a girl, the most that neither is true) OOOPS ragazzi! sto cucinando la pasta ed e gia il tempo di spegnere il fuoco! me ne vadoooooooooo ma promesso di tornare presto.A I'll start by creating a photo gallery)) Ciao a tutti! torno presto