Sunday, December 20, 2009

Price Chopper Uniform

[# 8] The Dangers of the Russian steppes

Title: The Dangers of the Russian steppes
Plate: # 8, Some like it cold
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character (s) / Pairing (s)
: Russia-China
Rating: PG
Warnings: Shonen-ai
Disclameirs : This fic is not written for profit. All characters mentioned belong to Hidekaz Himayura.


is not Christmas, but there the same Smolle


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Xd Rockstar On Silverado

head man of my life \u0026lt;3

The ideal man and my [info] orchidea_lover \u0026lt;3 But I have the first numerino! uu
I hate people who use the Bible and religion to justify intolerance and hatred, God should not be love, assholes? Yes, I'm a sweet person XD
I leave to his hilarious and illuminating reflections on the sacred text ...

KNOWN RELIGIOUS a while ago, from the airwaves of Radio Maria, a listener said that homosexuality 'It's an abomination, because they say it is the BIBLE (Levet, 18:22). An ABOMINATION THAT CAN NOT 'BE TOLERATED IN CASE NO. 10 days ago that same listener wrote this letter to NOTO RELIGIOUS ...

Letter of May 16, 2009 Dear priest, I am writing to thank you for your educational work on the laws of the Lord. I learned a great deal from your program, and I tried to share that knowledge with as many people as possible. Now, when someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it is an abomination. End of discussion. However, I need any advice from you, about other specific laws and how to apply.
I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as provided Exodus 21:7. What do you think would be a good selling price? -
When I give focus to a bull on the altar of sacrifice, I know from the scriptures that it produces a pleasant aroma to the Lord (Leviticus 1.9). The problem is with my neighbors. Those blasphemous claim that the 'smell is not pleasant for them. I not struck? -
I know I can have contact with a woman while she is menstruating (Leviticus 15:19-24). The problem is: how do I ask if the have or not? Many women s'offendono.
- Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations foreign. A friend of mine claims that this can be done with the Mexicans, but not with the French. Can you clarify? Why can not I own Canadians? -
I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him personally?
- A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Leviticus 11:10), it is not homosexuality. I disagree. Can you settle this?
- Leviticus 21:20 states that I can not get all 'altar of God if I have a defect of sight. I have to admit that I use reading glasses ... my vision have to be 10/10 or is there some wiggle room here?
- Many of my male friends shave their hair, including those near the temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by the Bible (Leviticus 19:27). How should they die?
- In Leviticus 11:6-8 is that touching the skin of dead pig makes me unclean. To play football so I have to wear gloves?
- My uncle has a farm. He 's gone against Leviticus 19:19, because planting two different crops in the same field, even His wife has violated the same step, because by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton / polyester blend). Not only that my uncle swears to go around. Is it really necessary that I take the trouble to gather all the townspeople to stone as prescribed by the scriptures? Could not we just set him on fire while they sleep, as recommended nicely Leviticus 20:14 for those who lie with relatives?
I know you have studied these topics in depth, so I'm sure you can answer these simple questions. On this occasion, thank you again for reminding us that the commandments are eternal and immutable. Always devout admirer. "
Here, the source said.

Monday, December 7, 2009

To Know Frequency Ofindian Channels

/ Carolagna mode on

I warn you right now, this post is boring. It is existential sclera that any sane person would avoid like the plague. In short, the title should be clear ...

Hmm, I'd have a mess of things to say, I hope to not give up until it has been
XD Well, first of all, thank you for your beautiful Vale header-sbrilluccicoso Christmas: I love it! \u0026lt;3
Ok, now I can go to complain! When
deeply hate the music on my ipod, not normal? I do not want to hear anything O_O
Okay, better finish here with a list of idiosyncrasies, otherwise we night night more ...
Today I saw the call for a literary competition for young writers (and illustrators are also looking for photographers, look here ) and I became immediately enthusiastic. I have an idea, the desire to write and commit, but ... I can not even throw down a decent two-line! è_é
My inspiration is dead, dead, kaput
T_T And in these conditions must also complete a ff for 24, not to mention Dark Shines me and my readers are ready to feast. Please have mercy T_T
Budget provisional? Writer of shit ...
We come to the rest of my life.
few days I will go and Marica from Easter in Berlin, are not we spend some months' time all three together and I miss that stupid as hell! \u0026lt;3
Well, now I'm not griping mica, although we'd been able to start under auspices much better. Okay, I'll stop here because it is not about me ... * Avoids gossip
* Let's just say the situation is not exciting and I feel guilty about not being able to help the people I love
T_T I'm also starting to think of being annoying and unbearable. In this last period I was a nervous and under pressure tantinello and I routinely vented to friends and relatives. Pretty neat, huh?
If you are among those to whom I owe an apology, excuse me. Pace made? \u0026lt;3
are also presumptuous, arrogant and prevaricating. I do not argue for the sake of comparison (ie, yes, but it's on): I like to be right, excites me. When I talk to someone from exhaustion, the mixed up, demolish it, it degrades ... summarizing: after a while 'he is willing to send me to collect some pine cones in the woods or Trentino fuck off, if you prefer !
have done so, there is little to do. It is not a make yourself the peace of mind, you have to bear with me. I feel like shit if I think I be stifling or nerd or a snob, though I think maybe someone has a problem to speak freely with me. Because the fact is that I am interested in the opinions of others and I hope to always be respected, perhaps even when they disagree. I love to confront, to increase and are terrified of having turned something ordinary into a nightmare for some of my friends. Also, I'm not a maniac ... that is, for me the discussions open and close at that moment. Do not you think about it is that after I get angry or what. Let's say there and then I let myself engage and excites me, but I will not ever attack the person and his opinions and I'm sorry if I could give that impression. I do not know what else to say really. Try to improve, especially for those of you who are more sensitive ... To be clear: Adrj, you will still be mistreated XD But you know that I love, "arguing" with you \u0026lt;3
then? There are suggestions, comments, stones? XD Good
Immaculate all, beautiful. Do the trees ^ ^

Where Do You Get The Treat On Poptropica Big Nate

[# 4] Stalker mask and tools

title: Masked Stalker And Cooking Equipment
Plate: # 4, Secret Identity
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character (s) / Pairing (s) : Russia, Prussia (hints of Russia / China and Prussia / Hungary)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Shonen-ai
Disclameirs : This fanfiction is not written for profit. All characters mentioned belong to Hidekaz Himayura.


Wok and pans are bad for your health
