Monday, May 31, 2010

Beretta Silver Pigion C

[# 100] Aristocrat Boyfriend Wanted

Title: Boyfriend Wanted Aristocrat
Cliché: # 100, just to pretend ...? (The Piano)
Fandom: Avatar-The Last Airbender

Rating: For all
Warning: Spoiler!
Disclaimers: Not my !
Notes: Participates in the loser! Fandom fest fanworld Toko promt with the "aristocracy"

- You can not ask for Aang? -
- Too famous .-
- A Sokka? -
- Too stupid .-
- In one of your friends rulers ? -
- Too rude .-
- Katara? -
- Zuko, Katara is a woman, I can not ask them! -

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Modern Cake Cutting Songs 2010

fannysdera @ 2010-05-22T11:45:00

dear Russian friends,
I need your help .....
right now translating episod Masyanya "if stars are lit ..." and I do not know what the word " F AVENO "....

вот ссылка комикса:

помогите мне, пожалуйста ....


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Manga Scan Read Romance

Title: Break My Fall
Author: [info] arial86
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: G
Word Count: 3317 (Word)
Summary: The first and the second clash between Michael and Lucifer, seen through the eyes of Gabriel. Will the champion of the faith to kill his brother or less will be his fate?
Characters: Michael , Gabriel, Azrael, Helel
Warning: Mild (?)
blasphemy XD Note: I thank [info] vahly for its magnificent fanart, Nicole and [info] fleur93 for the wonderful fanmix and [info] orchidea_lover to be a very patient beta. Of course, all errors will count against me bla bla bla, bla bla bla Hail to the beta XD
ff I dedicate this to them and to my four treacherous Bro 'who is always complaining and threatening: Greetings again, Fio <3

 “I can fly, but I want his wings
I can shine even in the darkness,
but I crave the light that he brings.
Revel in the songs that he sings.
I can love, but I need his heart.
I am strong even on my own,
but from him I never want to part.
He’s been there since the very start.”
(Gabriel, Lamb)

La notte è limpida, serena.
La Luna si specchia sul mare, tingendo di indaco le sue acque altrimenti nere.
Il suono della risacca è rhythmic reassuring. I feel the essence of my answer to her appeal, the creature that was once ready to dive in his element and bend to their will.
Suddenly, the body becomes so familiar stranger, limiting. A trap.
The breeze carries the salty smell of the ocean and the sweet and pungent blood. His.
is sitting on the shore. A hand protectively close to his chest, staring horizon.
It was not even aware of my arrival.
"Michael?" He began, hesitantly. It
His eyes are wide open, fever. She stares at me with frightening intensity, but no trace of actual recognition on his face: I do not believe that ...?
"I am Gabriel ..." he muttered, feeling the familiar twinge of pain and shame to say that name.
Michael smiles, showing teeth stained red: "Of course you are."
It collects and returns to focus on the landscape, seemingly oblivious of my presence. I sit beside him in silence.
The sand is cold and firm. Start to pile up in shallow heaps, quickly dragged away by the current.
"It's a game for children," said, tired. A smile in his voice.
"I thought I'd repeated the parable of the man who built his house upon the sand" I say, laughing.
"It would be hypocritical of me, is not it? I ... "A coughing fit
puts an end to the discussion. He bends forward and takes a hand to mouth. The other is firmly nailed to the ground, shaken by a tremor visible. Lazy
scarlet rivulets soak the clothes she wears light, large drops rolling down the fabric now sodden, heavy rain The liquid rubies ...
hold in your arms, forcing him to raise his head.
"He-helel?" Reverse
eyes back and lost consciousness.
Shit! A deep vertical cut
marten's chest, a few inches to the right or higher and would kill him. But you did not want to get to this, true, Lucifer? There
hill above the palm.
guess the wound close: tiny cells that come back to shrink and how to weave the meshes of a network, the walls of the veins again intact, the blood begins to flow to the heart, muscles and tissues that are bunched up, and finally the two flaps of skin that match. Disappeared, as ever.
That's how it works: you wish, you concentrate, you get it. Practically a child at Disneyland. Not this time. Michael continues to bleed.
do not understand, why can not I heal? I sat at the throne of our Father, His messenger and now I fail where a poor surgeon succeed?
"Wake up, damn it!" Hissing furiously. And if
tirassi forced out of this body? Maybe I would have more chance of success by separating them ... No, Michael is too weak to this would end up killing him.
What do I do? I still remember clearly his first encounter with Lucifer.
iconography and human sources do not do justice to such a battle. Perhaps because it is reassuring to believe that good can triumph over evil without any difficulty, most likely because the history is written by the winners. The fact is that Michael actually came out destroyed.
imprison the Morning Star and the most powerful of the angels who chose to follow him? Well, let's say it was not exactly a walk in the park.
Michael and Lucifer were on the ground, one above the other two figures terrible and exhausted, both human and divine. Abandoned their swords and away, the wings and visible ... The armies of both watched the scene properties, holding my breath.
suddenly arose the voice of Michael. Initially low and uncertain, then high and chanting. He recited a curse.
pronounced the name of God and the whole earth shook, opening beneath them. Lucifer tried to get up, but Michael drove him to the ground.
"Let me go," commanded Lucifer, and that horrible abyss swallowed both. Michael
shook his head and strengthened his grip. They were intertwined with one another, their bodies, their wings, their essences ...
Something made her way from the darkness of hell, and wrapped himself around Lucifer. They looked thin filaments of red cloth, but moved like tentacles. They were alive, conscious, and pointing his light. Rallied around its wings and the white feathers began to darken, becoming black as the abyss in which they were dragging.
Lucifer was a cry of pain and anger, to which Michael responded with a reassuring smile, "Do not be afraid, Helel."
A shiver ran down my spine, while a horrible presentiment made its way into my heart. Lucifer look confirmed my fears: she was shocked, terrified.
"No, do not do it," he whispered, weak. Whatever
were those ugly creatures were feeding him, of his grace. His eyes were vacant, almost extinct. Soon he would faint.
"Ssshh" Michael said, still calm.
Now gently touched the wings of Lucifer, muttering something. It took me a while to understand what he was saying: it was a hymn. I had often heard Michael sang to him, when it seemed that only his voice could calm him down and flatter. At that moment I was sure I would have lost both.
Those little things were now locked together also with Michael, and it does not oppose any resistance. He dropped his head on the shoulder of Lucifer. Eyes closed, his face serene expression. Were dragged down.
I turned away, unable to stand still.
With a scream, Azrael jumped out of our ranks and rushed to Michael. She grabbed his neck and life, and tore away from the abyss. The Inferno closed soon after.
laid him gently the ground.
The battle raged again, but no one dared to approach the body of our general. He soon formed a circle around them.
I made my way through the crowd, ignoring the unpleasant spectacle of dead bodies and the prayers of the dying.
I knelt beside them. Michael lay motionless. Blood and dirt stood out on the pallor of her skin, marked by deep livid streaks. The touch of those beings.
traced with his fingers one of them, ran from the wrist the recess of the elbow. Burned and throbbed fiercely. Withdrew her hand, horrified.
"What the fuck are, Azrael? And what's going on? "
point her eyes to me and I felt the weight of his knowledge. Azrael, the first angel, the one that has always existed and hugs him the book of the dead. The first creature of our father's death and life had come together.
"There I was the first, Gabriel," he said.
that I could not fix it, confused, "What are you talking about?"
Michael was playing with her hair. Veered between his fingers a blonde curls, smoothing and smoothing the time. It was very concentrated, mesmerized.
We collected an uncertain smile touched his lips: "His first experiments were not successful. For some things there need training, I suppose. "
" Experiments? "hissed. "You're talking about those things? They are our brothers? "
" I'm miserable drafts, Gabriel. Simple sketches, we are his masterpiece. "
" It's going well, and then cast them into Hell? "
Azrael shook his head condescendingly:" I am vile abortions are incomplete, violent, crazy. "A grin just mentioned, then" what the Hell are there for a reason ... You saw what they eat. "
Light, heat. Grace.
"It's his guard dogs?"
"Each prison has its jailers," commented dryly.
I was disgusted, upset. I felt a sour taste in the back of the throat: Our Father had always known that Lucifer would betray him. He had been a revolt, but of a design. He handled both he and Michael, along with all of us. Why? What was your goal?
"Do not take questions when you would not be able to withstand the answers" suggested Azrael, benevolent. "Now let us have him, we can not allow our champion to fall."
He bent over him.
Michael's wings were now completely black, the same color assumed by the cuts on his arms ... and his aura. It was becoming one of those things?
"can not transform, Gabriel. Only ... mutilate gasped.
Dia ... What?
The right of Azrael in his chest had disappeared. It was a gruesome scene: you had sunk up to the wrist and used it to explore with meticulous care. That his ribs had miraculous properties? That his lungs were a panacea? A
to choke and pulled his body from a ball of light crimson beaded with dew. Part of his grace.
to his lips to Michael and forced him to open up. The small world imploded soon after, creating a rain of gold poured into his mouth.
few moments and it stopped. Time seemed to stop, the only sounds those of the battle and the convulsive gasp of Azrael.
Michael was not breathing. His heart had stopped, his eyes still closed.
"What now?" I asked impatiently. Azrael
touched the forehead of Michael: "Go home, brother."
latter was shaken by a quake, then lay again: he had returned to Heaven.
"Now, we go, Gabriel," he said. "I know that you keep the strictest of confidence about what I told you," he added, baring his teeth in imitation of a smile.
leave me alone.
empty and battered body of his Touch the ground with a distinct thud. I grabbed one of Michael and I left that place.
I found myself on a beach. The sun was rising, yet few stars dotted the sky later.
I casually asked what was the Paradise of this guy. She was so young: fifteen, at most sixteen. What were his dreams, before Michael consume them away? Why had surrendered? Save the world? Become a hero?
smiled sadly, all questions were useless now, right?
Whoever it was had died. And with him her story.
"Sorry, little" I whispered, strangely uncomfortable.
I stood up and noticed something tight in his fist had feathers. Some white, others black. Those of Lucifer.
I took and joined my brothers. Michael
remained unconscious for centuries. The
were lying on a bed of gold in the throne room. Day and night, tirelessly, seraphim modulated songs and prayers. Once their voices had moved the Heavens, now rocked the slow breathing of their prince. Even the powers of Raphael could redeem it.
The doubt was spreading, slow and malicious here as they were finished the two beloved children, that would happen to the rest of us? It was a continuous series of whispers and speculation, conjecture and lies.
I only I was immune: I watched the closed eyelids of Michael and Lucifer, and I knew that he slept the same sleep. Part of me was praying that you never wake up.
Michael but he did it.
I was at his side for the first time since the battle. Before me is not the beautiful creature made of light and power, but the fragile boy with blond hair. Her skin was warm, his face relaxed.
holding in my fingers the five feathers. I opened the palm of Michael and I put them there.
was as if he had gone through a shock: his muscles grew tense, then relax again, and his eyes widened. I could read them in depth, rest and blind determination. The feathers in his hand glowing reddish, before being suffocated by the flames. I walked away with one arm and sat down.
Whatever had happened, Michael was changed. I took refuge in the land ...
"You wake up, not this time."
I spun around, instinctively placing them between Michael and the possible threat.
"Brother, what are you doing here?" Asked, tense.
His gaze is indecipherable, unlike the grin that tends lips.
"My work" replies, kind.
shake my head in disbelief.
"What can you do, Gabriel? Apparently, these days, even the scum should be dealt with white glove "snorts, annoyed. "Raphael begged me not to leave in the hands of a reaper, can you believe?"
He steps forward, dramatically raising the sleeves of the jacket: "Courage, by facts. I can not wait to leave this stinking hole "he continues, wrinkling her nose.
"N-no! It's crazy, Azrael: I lanciasti among those sons of bitches to save it and now you want to kill him with your hands? It's our general, is your brother! "
throws his head back and laughs:" I saved because I was part of his plan, but obviously failed in its function, and when the tokens are useless ... "
pinch your fingers into a fist and Michael turns into an inert weight in my arms. Her heart slows, breathing becomes more
processed ... "NO!"
shooting distance. The ocean is raised with me, creating a barrier around our bodies. She is tall, impenetrable.
"You think to stop it, Gabriel? You, slimy creature ran away from his own brothers! "
His voice was muffled by the roar of the water arrives.
It's my turn to laugh: "What a pity that in spite of your greatness, Azrael, you have never seen our father. It must hurt, so just be, devoted, but to remain confined in your corner praying that I need you ... "
"Shut up!" He shouts, furiously.
"Do you believe in obeying all its orders, one day you will earn your love?" I insist, sweet. "You make me so sorry."
remains in silence for a few seconds, then force the wall of water.
feel his aura wrapped around it, looking for a crack, a weak point. I do not find it.
"Do not make me hurt you too, brother," hisses in frustration.
"Try" I say. "This is my element, Azrael. You know, I always wondered who you would escorted once dead, we find out? "
This puts an end to their attempts:" Okay, as you prefer. Your efforts have been futile, however: Michael will die too, "he says, disappearing.
I drop the barrier and fall to the ground, breathless. I can not say that I had missed the lively exchange of views with the relatives ...
The adrenaline goes down, leaving a metallic taste in the mouth. I find myself shaking.
Michael is alive, but Azrael was right not hold much longer.
"I think there has just been removed from his Christmas list," he murmured, slightly hysterical. Overflow
her clothes are soaked. In some places, however, the fabric is cured, the dried blood. From the bleeding? And how can do it again?
Son of a bitch ... Michael was trying to heal itself, did not give up. He just needs a little push in the right direction.
"Hold on, Mikey."
put his hands on his heart and close my eyes, concentrating on every single beat. I slow down my, perfect synchronization with her. Even breathe in unison, but we should do more to save it.
Overcome quest'involucro meat, focusing on its real essence. A sea of white and glowing orange, crimson languages in which they swim. Our auras are completely opposite, mirror image, but there is something that unites them and allows men to be our means: it is the breath of God, present in each of his creatures.
We do not have a soul, for the angels all ends when that stifling plaintive murmur. There is, however, reason revive it.
It is not easy at all. It is life that feeds on life, and once contact is established is almost impossible to rescind. If it is established.
The Idiot is exhausted, but I fought with all his strength, preventing me from entering.
Michael has never let anyone get close, not after the fall of Lucifer, but I can not let them die of shame and obstinacy.
"professional ... and I'll be gentle, I promise."
I try again and I get rejected. His attack is violent, desperate not know who I am. Damn, it has further weakened the movement. Her aura has shrunk, its colors now more bright and warm. It's like the explosion of a star: a dazzling glow last before disappearing into the darkness of the universe ... Stupid jerk, end up killing each other.
change strategy.
"Michael ..." I whisper, then sing their anthem. My voice goes down, it softens. My essence around her, gently forcing its defenses. And, finally, Michael relents. Overflow
the warm flame, now reduced to so little light. Trembles at my touch, only to blossom into a rainbow of reds.
being torn away.
open my eyes. Michael sprawling, dancing surprise and confusion on his face, giving expression a bit 'stupid and very, very young. He has one hand on
chest, the wound disappeared.
I burst out laughing.
"I knew that eventually I would have liked, ugly bitch" grin, relieved.
Respond to my smile, still disoriented, "Thanks," he murmurs.
"Imagine. Now would you mind telling me what the fuck have you done? "
He looks down, embarrassed:" I do not know what you mean, Gabriel. "
" Oh, I think you know very well. Azrael because we had so much to you, you lost your favorite scythe? "Asked, sarcastically.
"Azrael has simply backed the wrong horse, that's all. "
" Yeah, it has displaced more than a bookmaker "grant. "I wonder how it is possible."
"I'm not invincible," says dryly.
"O Lucifer was perhaps more motivated ..."
"I am thousands of years preparing for this confrontation," he growls, but I recognize its recitation.
"Yes, I prepared to lose. Why?
Chirped and, when pressed, admits: "Why not? I had to rip the heart and bring him home as a trophy? Kill my own brother and be lifted up above all others for this? "
is angry, upset. The sand under him has turned into glass. I hear that terrible heat against my skin and lift your arms in a gesture of surrender: "I advise you to take it slow, Michael. You are not yet fully healed ... Can I ask you a question or risk ending up like a turkey? "
smiles," no fire. After all, I suppose dovertelo. "
" Why did not you refuse? For our Father? "
shakes his head:" I am the eldest, Gabriel. Everyone looks at me. Are a guide, an example. If I refused, other angels would fall. Also, now no one will dare attack Helel. He finally got what she wanted and is safe, I do not need anything else. "
The first tears streaming down her cheeks. I do not understand, I never understood and I left alone to fight a similar battle. Lucifer had his pain of betrayal and desire for revenge, but Michael? What was he? About who could count?
"It was not your fault, Gabriel" she murmured, wiping away the drops from my face. It puts
standing and time, decided to leave. The port
her arms around him and hugging. Stiffens, reluctant to indulge in such proximity.
"believes lucky, Michael: I wanted to get punched."
laughs and relaxes, "Thank you, again. Now let me go, though: there's nothing here for me. "
you're wrong on this, brother.
"No, not going anywhere: you are still weak and Azrael wants you ass, you need someone to take care of you."
"I do not need a bodyguard or a nurse," exclaims , resentful.
Behold, the pride. And speaking of Lucifer ...
"Take it like a vacation between two outcasts then, I bet you are not looking forward to see you home ..." I
notes, insecure.
"You'll see that after a week with me, you will not want to leave" I say, put his arm around her shoulders. "Never tasted the whipped cream?"
I reserve an exasperated look, but follow me.
His eyes are alive again, smiling. Do not shine the light that Lucifer could only give them, but I am confident these two love each other more than any else, I know now with certainty. They have already deviated from the path set before them, now you just have to make sure that you remove the head from the butt and being aware of them. And I'm here for.

~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~

The design of Vale is beautiful, period. I love it.
It soon might end up in camp as sbavosissimo header * _ *
Ali, Ali, ALII * lose a moment the reason behind his wings! Kink XD *

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This is a simple scan of the masterpiece \u0026lt; , 3

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This rather disturbing his version
* _ * I love it, damn dirty \u0026lt;3

~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~

The front and back of the fanmix, thank Flora \u0026lt;3

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The traces of Nicole. These are the songs that have inspired me and those closest to the mood of the story. I leave the lyrics too * _ *

30 Seconds to Mars ~ Attack
I will not Suffer, Be Broken, Get Tired or wasted
Surrender to nothing
Or give up what I started and stopped it
From end to beginning
A new day is coming
And I am finally free.

30 seconds to mars ~ R-evolve
A revolution has begun today for me inside
The ultimate defence is to pretend
Revolve around yourself  just like an ordinary man
The only other option is to forget.

30 seconds to mars ~ kings and queens
We were kings and queens of promise
We were phantoms of ourselves
Maybe the children of a lesser god
Between heaven and hell.
The age of man is over
A darkness comes
And all these lessons that we’ve learned here
Have only just began

Breaking Benjamin ~ Give me a sign
No longer the lost
No longer the same
And I can see you starting to break
I’ll keep you alive
If you show me the way
Forever and ever
The scars will remain.

Breaking Benjamin ~ Without you
All I have is one last chance
I won’t turn my back on you
Take my hand drag me down
If you fall then I will too
And I can’t save what’s left of you.

Snow patrol ~ Chasing cars
I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own.
If I lay here,
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we’re told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life
All that I am
All that I ever will
It’s here in your perfect eyes, they’re all I can see
I don’t know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all.

Muse ~ Coma
We’ll fall asleep
So deeply out of reach
For years feeling dead
We can fall right out of bed.

Muse ~ Hoodoo
Come into my life
Regress into a dream
We will hide
Build a new reality
Draw another picture
Of the life you could have had
Follow your instincts
And choose the other path
You should never be afraid
You’re protected
From trouble and pain
Why, why is this a crisis in your eyes again?

Lamb ~ Gabriel
I can fly
But I want his wings
I can shine even in the darkness
But I crave the light that he brings
Revel in the songs that he sings
I can love
But I need his heart
I am strong even on my own
But from him I never want to part
He’s been there since the very start.

Pearl Jam ~ come back
And these days they linger on
And in the night I’m waiting for
The real possibility that I may meet you in my dreams
Every night I’m waiting for
The real possibility that I may need to end my pain
Sometimes you’re there and you’re talking back to me
Come the morning I could swear you’re next to me
And it’s ok.

Foo Fighters ~ Cold day in the sun
I wish I could take it away
And save you from yourself
You get so lost inside your head
Like no one else
Are you looking for someone to blame?
Did you blame me all along?
You’ll take the heat
But you would never take the fall.

Nightwish ~ Two for tragedy
Sleep Eden sleep
My fallen son
Slumber in peace
Cease the pain
Life’s just in vain
For us to gain
Nothing but all the same
No healing hand
For your disease
Drinking scorn like water
Cascading with my tears
Beneath the candle bed
Two saddened angels - in heaven, in death
Now let us lie
Sad we lived sad we die
Even in your pride
I never blamed you
A mother’s love
Is a sacrifice
Together sleeping
Keeping it all
No sympathy

No eternity One light for-each loop
undeserved tear Beneath the candle bed Two souls with everything yet
To Be Said

The full fanmix with the art, the twelve songs and lyrics can be downloaded here ^ _ ^

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Good Brazilian Wax In Bergen County Nj

Understanding the body language of women to successfully woo

Body language and seduction are two very related topics. To understand the language of gestures and women learn to make the best possible way to win the woman you want to win, click on: the Body Language pdf

It 's a known fact that women have a greater ability physiologically use of the word. In fact, while the males are a few words because their communication is mainly for practical purposes, women also speak only to give expression to their feelings.

But only the most attentive observers fail to see that women when they speak, and also communicate predominantly with their language of the body.
And though it may appear that verbal communication has a higher specific weight, the body language was more important for women than words.

According to the research of scholars, the only drawback is that even if she sends many messages in this way, it is still difficult for men to be able to understand non-verbal women. In fact, nonverbal communication is seen only in a very small percentage compared to the countless messages that it conveys.

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